Researchers Call It “The Dominance Frequency”...

A Mesmerizing Manly Aura So Powerful…

Your Very Presence Makes Her “COCK DRUNK”!

And Tonight, With The Mere Push Of A Button This Coveted Power Can Be Yours…

Researchers Call It “The Dominance Frequency”...

A Mesmerizing Manly Aura So Powerful…

Your Very Presence Makes Her “COCK DRUNK”!

And Tonight, With The Mere Push Of A Button This Coveted Power Can Be Yours…

“He made me COME before I could get my panties off...

And he wasn’t even CUTE!”

That's how Michelle described her new lover as I spoke with her over Zoom…

Even with a grainy laptop camera I could see this former NFL cheerleader was an absolute stunner

Gorgeous jade-green eyes, frosty platinum blonde hair, big, luscious breasts and lips so full and plush…

… you couldn’t look at them without imagining them wrapped around your warm, hard cock.

Every perfectly-formed centimeter of her body screamed SEX.

We made a few minutes of chit-chat, building rapport, working up to the reason I was talking to her in the first place…

To discover the magic behind the otherwise painfully average new lover in her life…

A Man That Could Make This Gorgeous Woman Cream Her Panties With The Slightest Touch…

With A Mesmerizing “Male Energy” That You Too Can Enjoy As Soon As Tonight

“I met him at a conference… he’s a research director for a Fortune 500 pharma company…

I am a regional sales rep for one of their competitors,” she shared… before making a confession…

“At first, I wasn’t attracted to him at all… he’s honestly not that cute… at least not classically handsome.”

She pulled up a few pictures from her Facebook feed to drive home her point…

I was floored to see a perfectly average-looking guy.

A short, rounded jawline… a $14 haircut… and a wardrobe like a high school science teacher were his defining features.

He looked like the kind of guy who would have struggled to charm a chubby divorcee…

Yet here he was… dating a 
drop-dead gorgeous woman who’s lightyears outside his league…

And not only that…

She Couldn’t Stop Raving About The Body-Leveling Orgasms He Gave Her!

A theme-park ride of thigh-shivering releases that made her see the heavens… night after hot sweaty night…

… and many mornings and afternoons to boot!

So I continued to probe… what’s so special about our dorky “Mr. X”...

Did he have a tongue long enough to groom his own eyebrows?

Could he perform acrobatic sex acts that would put the Kama Sutra to shame?

Was he packing a “flesh missile” that could take out the eastern seaboard?

Nope… nope… and not even close!

One by one, Michelle knocked down every single assumption I’d ever had about what makes a man irresistible to women…

… both inside and outside the bedroom.

It turns out, our nerdy mystery man had another ace up his sleeve…

A Secret Sexual Weapon That Can Literally Command A Woman To Orgasm Spontaneously...

If you’re like most guys, you’ve probably been led to believe that women simply aren’t as horny as men…

But new research now shows that assumption could NOT be more wrong!

It’s not that women are less horny than you…

It’s that her sex drive is much more connected with how she feels about you as a man.

Once you can make this connection… once she FEELS your manly energy in a very direct way…

You Can Make Her So Overwhelmed With Lust, She Simply NEEDS To Feel You Deep Inside Of Her…

Without any special skills or “secret moves”, without male model good looks, and without a huge cock or the stamina of a juvenile bull?

See, as a man, you already know what gets your mojo rising… the sight of a sexy lady.

Just an eyeful of a perfect pair of tits and a shapely ass sends a powerful signal.

One that can drive you completely MAD with lust without her having to say a word or lift a finger.

But women simply don’t work the same way…

She needs to feel comfortable, she needs to feel safe, and most importantly…

She needs to feel like you are SUPERIOR to her…

This inner sense that you are dominant to her is by far the most important feeling you can give her…

… because it’s the key to all the other ones.

It’s the “One Ring To Rule Them All” of the female libido…

A Dominant, Manly Vibe Is To A Woman…

What A Perky Pair Of Tits Is To you!

A man who embodies this dominant, masculine energy is a rare experience for her.

It’s like meeting her celebrity crush… or having the “hot older boy” in high school flirt with her.

Her sexual instincts are tuned to zero in on a man who broadcasts this “dominance frequency”…

To squirm with an overwhelming and flat-out irrational attraction for him…

Even if he’s much older, out of shape, and perfectly plain to look at.

And in order for you to buzz with this “golden glow” of masculine mojo…

  • You don’t need to be a “bad boy”...
  • You don’t need to be tall and handsome…
  • You don’t need a pornstar-sized package or the staying power to last 7 hours in bed…

You Just Have To Tap Into A Powerful Network In Your Nervous System…

To Make Dominant Energy Ooze Out Of Every Pore Of Your Being!

To Make Dominant Energy Ooze Out Of Every Pore Of Your Being!

It all starts by stimulating this one recently discovered region of your brain…

Soon, this burgeoning bundle of neurons bursts with a torrent of powerful electrochemical messages…

Triggering a domino effect in your entire body.

It changes your cells, it rewires your brain, it even reprograms your DNA…

And in a second, I’ll tell you how a simple “frequency shift” in your own mind… can unleash this energy inside of you…

Making your woman… or any woman you want to make yours…

Cock drunk on your own patented brand of “Big Dick Energy”…

Using a powerful new technology you can activate with the mere touch of a button.

And yes, these are massive promises… so I plan to back them up.

By sharing breathtaking scientific studies from prestigious institutions like…

Johns Hopkins University…

The Bernstein Center For Computational Neuroscience…

And Boston University College of Electrochemistry…

Just to name a few…

But before we get into any of that… I think an introduction is in order…

My Name Is Lloyd Lester And My Life’s Work Is Responsible For An Estimated 2 Million Female Orgasms And Counting!

For well over a decade, I’ve been turning average, ordinary men into walking, talking, breathing sex gods.

I’ve helped men overcome everything from performance anxiety, to premature ejaculation, to erectile dysfunction

But what’s really given me “small town fame” is my reputation for helping men bring their ladies to the Pleasure Promised Land.

Thrusting, licking, fingering, and even “talking” ANY woman into a blitzkrieg of pussy-clenching climaxes that warp time and space…

Turning her into an absolute nymphomaniac who can’t get enough.

My expertise has been honed from nearly 40,000 hours of personal research.

I’ve pored over more published research than most full-time scientists…

All so I can engineer unique pleasure methods to help guys hear:

“Don’t stop… I’m going to CUMMMMMM!” in households on every liveable continent on the globe.

But the discovery I’m going to share with you today was not my own.

It’s one I stumbled on when my curiosity got piqued by a piece of trashy internet clickbait titled: “Ugly Guys With Hot Wives”.

Soon enough I was clicking through dozens of pics featuring homely male celebrities paired with absolutely gorgeous women.

Of course, these men were wealthy and famous… both powerful aphrodisiacs for the female libido…

But it’s not just fortune and fame that lead to this kind of “looks gap”.

We’ve All Seen Average Looking, Even Ugly Guys With A Special “Magnetic Allure”…

That certain “je ne sais quoi” as the French call it…

Obviously, celebrity status and gargantuan bank accounts help…

But are they really the determining factors?

Was there something else these guys possessed that made their stock with the fairer sex blast into the stratosphere?

And if so… could the rest of us “mere mortals” replicate it?

I had to know…

So I Put Out A “Casting Call” To Find Couples With A Steep Looks Gap…

To find beautiful women dating much less attractive men who weren’t especially famous or wealthy.

My “call out” attracted a number of replies… but none fit the bill.

There were too many “internet famous” guys or wealthy business owners.

I wanted 
regular, workaday Joes with hot women on their arms.

After Weeks Of Searching, I Still Couldn’t Find Anyone Who Matched My Criteria…

I was about to give up, when I got a message from Janice…

Janice was the wife of a client who’d bought one of my courses a few years back.

Her love life was greatly improved by her husband’s newfound sexual prowess so she decided to message me about one of her girlfriends - Michelle.

Michelle cheered for an NFL franchise from 2006 - 2009 and after hanging up her pom-poms…

… she took a job as a pharmaceutical sales rep.

According to Janice… Michelle had quite the history with a “who’s who” of handsome and wealthy men.

There was a 9-figure net worth real estate developer…

An actor who starred as the face of a national ad campaign…

And an NHL hockey player… just to name a few.

But recently she’d fallen head over heels for a “regular Joe” who was not cut out of the same mold.

He was 15 years older than her, about an inch shorter, balding, and middle-class.

After lots of coaxing, I was eventually able to land a digital meet and greet with Michelle.

She truly was every bit as beautiful as Janice had promised…

… with a bubbly, intoxicating personality that could drive any guy wild.

Lucky for me, Janice put in a good word… gushing about my “genius” as a coach who’d flat-out saved her marriage.

So it wasn’t difficult for me to get Michelle to open up about the new guy in her life…

“I Really Didn’t Think He Was That Cute When We First Met”... She Admitted…

They met at an industry conference in Miami…

“I was enjoying a drink in the hotel lobby when I met him…

He’s 10 years older than I normally date and not exactly my type physically” she confessed.

“But there was just something about him… he was so cool… present… in control of himself…

He reminded me of an older boy I had a crush on in 8th grade…”

She went on to describe his aura, his mystique, the way that he just COMMANDED attention.

Not so much because of what he said, or how he held his body, or the tone of his voice, or even his eye contact.

It was just his BEING.

Eventually, she got comfortable enough that she made a major confession…

“The First Time We Had Sex…

He Made Me COME Before I Could Even Get My Clothes Off!”

“That kind of thing had never happened to me before… in fact… not even close!” she confided… before adding…

“Most of the time, a guy has to go down on me before I can even get wet. Not with him, just making out with him got me so HOT… I just lost it!

And unlike a guy, when us girls come… we get really excited!

I just… NEEDED him to do the dirtiest things I could possibly think of… I couldn’t help myself… and I couldn’t stop coming…

So many times my vagina was sore for days afterwards. It was by far, the best sex I’ve ever had,” she confessed.

I wanted to know more… what made it so good?

Did He Last All Night? Did He Have Some Special Skills Or Moves? Was He Hung Like A Rhinoceros?

“No, none of that…” Michelle answered.

I kept prodding her for details…

What made this guy so special?

Michelle tried, she really did… but she just couldn’t say.

I’m sure you’ve had that experience… you know how you feel you just don’t exactly know why?

“He makes me feel safe, I just always trust he knows what to do… no matter what happens” she shared.

Eventually I Was Introduced To The Man Himself…

I’ll call him “Dexter” which isn’t his real name…

But I have to protect his identity for reasons that will be clear in just a minute.

It took some coaxing to get Michelle to let me contact him…

But when I did, I was surprised that he was actually enthusiastic to talk with me.

“Michelle told me what you do… it’s very interesting…

Honestly, I could have used your help myself about 8 years ago,” he confessed.

As It Turns Out… He Wasn’t Born With His Seductive Allure…

For most of his life, Dexter was no one’s idea of a lady’s man.

He met his ex-wife while he was getting his PhD in neurophysiology…

“She wasn’t a beauty queen or anything, but she was the first mildly attractive woman who ever showed interest in me,” he admitted.

After finishing his degree, he was offered a job as a researcher for a fortune 500 drug company…

… and shortly after, proposed to his then girlfriend.

“She said yes, we got married… I thought I was going to live happily ever after,” he shared…

Unfortunately, what he assumed would be a story-book romance…

… turned into a waking nightmare.

Just a few months after they tied the knot, his ex began an affair with her boss.

And if that wasn’t enough of a kick to the balls…

During divorce proceedings it came out that Dexter’s son wasn’t even his!

However, since his name was on the birth certificate, he was still ordered to pay over $1200 in child support every month.

The Sad Truth Is, I Hear Things Like This From Men All The Time…

Our system is hopelessly tilted against men and almost ensures that even if the woman is 100% at fault for the demolition of the relationship…

… that a man is STILL going to end up paying more than his fair share.

In Dex’s case, it drove him to the brink… he even devised a plan to end his life.

But thankfully, before he mustered the courage to put his plan into action…

He Accidentally Stumbled On A Secret That Changed His Sexual Fortunes Forever…

And Could Do The Same For You!

He was placed on a team that was researching a breakthrough Alzheimer’s treatment at his job.

They were investigating the role that a powerful neurotransmitter called
“serotonin” plays in the disease.

He went on to explain…

He was placed on a team that was researching a breakthrough Alzheimer’s treatment at his job.

They were investigating the role that a powerful neurotransmitter called
“serotonin” plays in the disease.

He went on to explain…

“Serotonin is an incredibly potent chemical that can affect your mood, your emotions, and even the overall health of your brain.

A study out of Johns Hopkins proved that serotonin even helps to protect your brain from Alzheimer’s disease. [1]

So, researchers at the company I worked for were trying to develop a drug to take advantage of these properties…”

But Little Did He Know…

This Alzheimer’s Research Would Lead Him To A Powerful Sexual Discovery…

He continued…

“After years of trial and error, the chemists got nowhere.

That’s where I came into the picture, my background is neurophysiology.

It’s the study of how the nervous system functions…

I did my PhD thesis on an area of study known as ‘neuro-acoustic stimulation’ or NAS.

Scientists have known for over a decade that this kind of “electroacoustic stimulation” can have powerful effects on the brain. [2]

With NAS being the most “non-invasive” way to capitalize on this effect in living brain cells.

For instance, one study out of Madrid in Spain, showed that NAS was remarkably effective in the treatment of Parkinson’s Disease… [3]

Another study out of China demonstrated NAS as a useful therapy for the rehabilitation of stroke patients… [4]

A truly groundbreaking analysis from the University of Toronto proved that NAS was useful for the management of fibromyalgia… [5]

Multiple university studies have demonstrated that electroacoustic stimulation can impact the serotonin network of the brain…”

So Dexter set out to see if NAS could impact these networks in a targeted way.

He started testing this system on elderly male rats that had developed a “rat version” of Alzheimer’s Disease.

It took his team months to examine how different acoustic frequencies impacted the brains of these rats…

But Once They Got The Frequency Just Right… Eureka!

Rats that had been completely unable to socialize, couldn’t navigate a maze, and couldn’t even remember where food was located…

Were suddenly performing mental tasks just as well as younger rats.

But in addition to improving their cognitive performance and memory…

The team noticed something else… something they NEVER expected in a million years!

These elderly male rats started to get a LOT of attention from the females.

And not older female rats either…
these were young females in their reproductive prime!

They were like the supermodels of the rat colony.

Just a few weeks ago, these elderly males just sat off in a corner…

Confused, frightened, unable to so much as even feed themselves…

Now They Were Like Casanova’s Driving Much Younger Females Absolutely Wild With Lust!

Whenever they crossed paths with one of the young female rats…

… they would get so excited, their clitorises would swell up and turn bright red…

A sign they were longing to be penetrated.

It was a baffling side effect the scientists had absolutely NO explanation for.

It took Dex and his fellow researchers months of studying these elder rat’s brains to finally figure out what was going on…

How Does This Powerful Technology Work To Give ANY Man Sexual Superpowers?

It all broke down to something Dexter called the “Dominance Network”.

It’s a group of neurons buried deep in the brains of all mammals that act like a thermometer for your social status.

If it senses you have
“high status” it releases a tsunami of serotonin into your nervous system…

… creating a powerful cascade of changes in your body. [6]

Levels of stress hormones decrease, your mood improves, your immune system gets stronger…

Every aspect of your biology becomes
“wired” for success… and it all happens 100% on autopilot.

Of course, the opposite is true as well… if your Dominance Network senses you have low status it suppresses serotonin…

Stress levels increase, your brain activity lowers, your muscles become weaker, your reaction time slows down…

Every cell in your body begins to broadcast that you’re a loser nobody likes.

This Part Of Your Brain Is The Biochemical Basis Of Social Status…

And women, as you probably already know, are bloodhounds for a man’s social status…

They can feel it, see it, and even SMELL it on you… without you having to say a word or lift a finger!

A man who puts out a dominant, high status vibe is like a 22-year-old girl with a model-pretty face and a body to die for.

Women start to lust after him automatically… just because.

Studies Even Show That Women Find Men Who Put Out This High-Powered Sexual Energy…

To Be More Physically Attractive [7] 

So it’s not success, fame, fortune or good looks per se that turn her on…

It’s the
biological signals you put out by having this elusive network of nerve cells switched ON.

If you’ve got this
manly aura swimming in your nervous system…

You could be short, fat, broke and have a tiny dick…

… and she’ll still think you look like Chris Hemsworth.

The problem is, turning this network ON… especially if it’s been shut down your entire life…

Is no easy task!

Normally, you’d have to work really hard to raise your social status.

Take risks, develop your courage, and struggle to overcome years of negative emotional programming…

Yet, Dexter’s discovery seemed to be a shortcut…

A Non-Invasive Technology To Turn This “Animal Magnetism” On…

And Unleash An Irresistible Seductive Allure That No Woman Can Resist…

Without you having to win the genetic lottery or elbow your way up the social status hierarchy.

Unfortunately, before Dexter got the chance to develop a human version of his discovery…

The company shut down his research.

It turns out, they couldn’t patent the technology…

And this great sexual equalizer was almost reserved to the dustbin of history.

But Dex knew his discovery was important… and he wasn’t about to let it die on the vine.

So, he copied all the research files onto a thumb drive and smuggled it out of the building.

Then he poured months of grueling effort and $1000s of his own money into designing the right system to exploit his powerful discovery.

Finally, After Months Of Excruciating Effort… He Cracked The Code!

It was a simple series of tones that pressed the “studly button” buried deep in his brain…

And almost instantly created a series of positive changes.

The first sign of success was
a calm, quiet confidence that enveloped Dexter’s whole being.

A “golden glow” that just seemed to follow him around all day long.

Colleagues started to defer to him automatically, every presentation he made was a rousing success, people laughed at his jokes.

He was promoted to Research Director just 2 fiscal quarters after a failed research project…

A feat that had no “natural explanation”.

Hour-By-Hour, Day-By-Day, His Life Became A String Of Effortless Success…

And that was BEFORE his sexual fortunes did a complete 180…

It started when he caught Cori, a pretty brunette from marketing giving him “fuck me eyes” during a meeting.

A private after-work happy hour led to him releasing into her warm, moist mouth…

… after she gave him a delicious blowjob that far exceeded his wettest teenage dream.

Then there was Crystal, a sexy bartender at his favorite Italian Bistro…

Who invited herself to his apartment for a private “wine tasting” after her shift.

And Kristina, the voluptuous CPA who made him an offer he couldn't refuse…

“I’ll do your taxes for free if you’ll help me out with something…” she gushed…

… jutting her big breasts out to give Dex an eyeful of her cavernous cleavage.

For 18 months he made up for all the lost time of his sexless younger years…

… enjoying the free-wheeling sex life of a cocaine dealing kingpin…

As his wildest sexual fantasies materialized before his very eyes…

Eventually, He Met The Love Of His Life - Michelle…

“Not only is she the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen…

She’s warm, feminine, supportive… and she worships the ground I walk on!” he shared.

He went on to detail how she volunteers to do his laundry, brings him lunch at work, massages his shoulders after a long day at the office…

And delights in giving his penis extra special treatment.

Stripping down into nothing but her high heels and looking deep into his eyes as she takes him all the way into her mouth…

And when she feels him tense up and ready to blast… she demands he come in her mouth so she can swallow every last drop!

“I have to pinch myself some days just to know that my life is actually real!”

Well, At This Point You Can Imagine That I Was Jumping Out Of My Skin To Test This Technology Out For Myself…

So, I made a proposal… “Let me give your discovery a test spin and if it works for me like it did for you…

I’ll introduce it to my audience and we can split the profits”.

He agreed, and just a few hours later a Google Drive link landed in my inbox.

It was 3 audio files that comprised Dex’s system.

The first audio was designed to relax my brain and prepare my nervous system for the powerful changes that were about to occur.

“It’s kind of like breaking in an engine… you don’t want to blast it in high gear before it’s warmed up,” Dex explained.

Next was a special audio to help my brain create the right output.

“See, your brainwaves need the right frequency, rhythm and ‘shape’ for this technology to work correctly” Dex explained…

So he designed a customized audio to do just that.

Finally, there was the powerful Dominance Frequency audio…

“It’s a series of carefully selected sound frequencies combined with directed verbal programming that triggers your Dominance Network,” he informed me.

Results Came Slow At First…

Each time I listened to the audio, I was bathed in a warm, energized feeling…

It’s almost like when I was a kid waking up on Christmas morning.

I felt invigorated, excited for life, ready to accept new challenges…

But there were no major changes to my sex life, until…

I was doing the dishes one night and my wife leaned into my neck, inhaling a big whiff of me before saying…

“Did you get a new cologne? Because you smell FANTASTIC!” she said.

“You like what you smell?” I growled back seductively…

Her pupils immediately expanded so large they crowded out the brown of her eyes…

She licked her lips instinctively and mashed her breasts together to get my attention.

“Mmmmm… yeah daddy… mama likes it!” she replied with a seductive lilt.

One thing led to another, and soon…

She Crouched Down And Unzipped My Pants…

My cock sprang out of my undies like an ambush predator…

She wrapped her small, feminine hands around it and began licking my head, fluttering her lips against my shaft…

… and using her tongue to tease my balls.

Then she did something she hadn’t done since our honeymoon…

She swallowed me whole!

The sensation was so incredible I felt the tension building up for a
big, satisfying release…

But just before I was ready to shoot down her throat she pulled back...

“Oh my GAWDDD… ahhhhh…gggghhhh…aaawwwhhhh” she groaned…

… her knees knocked back and forth, her thighs bucked wildly, and her eyes rolled back in her skull…

As a forceful orgasm seized her body.

Each Spurt Of Pleasure Made Her Wrench And Spasm And Cry Out At The Top Of Her Lungs!

As soon as she recovered… she turned around on all fours, pointed her shapely ass in the air and beckoned me to enter her.

I slid in slowly and heard a high-pitched gasp squeal out of her lungs…

“Oh fuck I’m gonna come again!” she said.

I felt her vagina grip my shaft like a boa constrictor contracting around its prey…

Over and over again for what felt like minutes before she lost control of herself and collapsed on the kitchen floor…

Her Body Convulsing With A Fit Of Orgasmic Spasms…

Until she finally settled down, heaving to catch her breath…

I reached in to kiss her, but even a light brush sent her body leaping up like I just jolted her with 20,000 volts.

“Oh babe, don’t touch me yet… I’m too sensitive,” she called out.

The pleasure didn’t end that night…

And hasn’t ended since I started listening to these powerful audios.

Our sex life was always good… but now… it’s simply

She literally can’t get enough of me…

“There’s just something about you lately,” she said one night…

“I just want you inside of me every time I lay eyes on you…”

Now, I probably don’t have to tell you… that’s all the proof I needed for myself…

But I Wanted To Make Sure That This “Dominance Frequency” Could Work For ANY Man…

I have a reputation to uphold after all.

So, I reached out to a small group of 50 guys to “beta test” this solution.

After 4 weeks, I asked them to report back on their experience.

Gerry, a single accountant from Michigan got a “same night lay” from a sexy barista he’s had his eye on for weeks!

And she even messaged him the next day inviting herself over for a second round.

Regis, a jewelry store owner from Minneapolis, wanted to spice up his 20 year marriage…

He and his wife have been going at it so regularly, they’re now expecting their 4th child!

Kevin from Utah said his wife forced him to call in sick so he could keep pleasuring her after he discovered this…

In his words: “it was like she hadn’t eaten for weeks and I was a Chinese buffet!”

One by one, the praise poured in from guys all over the world…

From Hong Kong to Honolulu… from Toronto to Mexico City…

Guys from every walk of life were getting insane results.

Without needing to learn special “sex skills” or positions…

Without needing to hit the gym, learn cheesy pickup routines, or blow a whole paycheck on a flashy new wardrobe…

And without needing to add a centimeter to their dicks!

Today, it’s your turn to experience this power for yourself.


The Dominance Code™ isn’t a “training program,” a “system”, or a “guide”.

It’s a unique and wholly immersive EXPERIENCE, designed to tap a wellspring of unbridled masculine power quietly sleeping inside of you.

Turning you into the kind of man that naturally commands attention, respect, admiration, even WORSHIP!

It’s the kind of power possessed by history’s greatest seducers, most influential politicians, and world-dominating military commanders.

And today, with the touch of a button… you can let this masculine genie out of the bottle in your own life.

You can clothe yourself in the radiance of a very special kind of allure that fewer than 1 in 1000 men possess.

All in a series of 3 proprietary audios painstakingly engineered to literally program unstoppable charisma into every cell of your being.

Your transformation begins with…

Priming Pulses™

If you were to simply slam your Dominance Network on, you could very easily overwhelm your nervous system…

And your body would “reject” the powerful changes that this remarkable technology can create inside of you.

In order to overcome this challenge…

Dex developed the powerful audio to “prime” your brain to handle the masculine metamorphosis you’re about to experience.

Simply load this audio MP3 file onto your favorite media device, hit “play”, and sit back in your easy chair…

As the relaxing tones “reset” your nervous system, smooth away bad habits, and erase negative emotional influences that stunt your growth.

Then brace yourself for the next stage of your transformation with…

Alpha Undulations™

Now that you’ve primed your neural networks for massive transformational change…

You’re ready to begin to reshape the very form and frequency of your brain waves.

Your neural firing patterns take on a characteristic shape…

Each corresponds to a different way you think, feel, and respond to the world.

Alpha Undulations™ is designed to change the output of your brain to a more confident, powerful, and inspired man.

So you automatically broadcast the “sexy signals” that make women wet with anticipation.

Which sets you up perfectly for the final leg of your evolution…

The Dominance Frequency™

This is where the rubber meets the road for you.

Where you trigger the Dominance Network buried deep in your brain…

Unleashing a series of foundational changes that make you a powerful, confident, and irresistible man that makes women wet with his very being.

You’ll hold yourself differently, move through the world more deliberately and purposefully…

Your whole life will “slow down” in front of your eyes.

Exposing you to new opportunities, uncovering new exploits that give you an edge over competitors…

… giving your mind the perfect words to inform, influence, and seduce on demand.

And ultimately, making every molecule of your biology buzz with an unstoppable Animal Magnetism.

Men will respect and admire you… women will find you positively hypnotic…

You’ll radiate with seductive sexual energy so strong, the slightest touch will make her lose control.

You’ve done it, you’re a whole new man… more powerful… more prestigious… unstoppably DOMINANT!

But don’t just take my word for it…

Over 28,000 Men From Around The World Have Benefitted From My Life-Changing Programs…

Here’s what a few of them had to say:

I could go on… but I’m not telling you any of this to “toot my own horn”.

I want you to possess the boundless sexual power to please ANY woman you want...

To send a tsunami of whole-body bliss through every atom of her being…

To make her feel transcendent levels of pleasure she never even knew were possible!

Because I know from personal experience that this is about a LOT more than just sex…

It’s about commanding admiration and attention from a woman “just because”...

It’s about her feeling lucky to have you in her life… instead of you feeling like one tiny mistake will make her hit the road.

It’s about finally getting the esteem and respect from friends, colleagues… even your boss!

It’s about KNOWING, not just believing, that you deserve the very BEST that life has to offer.

And of course, that includes wild, raw, sweaty sex that would make a male pornstar jealous.

Imagine How Much Better Life Will Be When Your Very Presence Changes Her Mood…

When you send a current of lust melting her loins with nothing but a look…

When a single sniff of
your manly musk makes her weak in the knees…

When the sound of your voice
makes her vagina moist with anticipation?

And the first time you see the whites of her eyes and feel her finger nails dig into your flesh…

… as she clenches around your cock with an
apocalyptic orgasm.

Not because you’re the biggest she’s ever had, or the most athletic, or even the longest lasting…

But simply because you level her with
manly magnetism that lights her up with white hot lust.

What’s The Investment?

Well Dexter Paid A Whopping $27,546 To Perfect This Technology…

Not to mention the emotional anguish of getting his beating heart ripped out of chest by the woman he loved…

Or the hours of painstaking trial and error he spent testing one unworkable hypothesis after another…

Or the risk he took by quite literally stealing it from his multi-billion dollar employer.

But the really great news is… you can get the EXACT same technology…

A true breakthrough immersion that can make you the cool, commanding, unspeakably dominant guy that no woman can resist…

Make more friends, naturally earn respect from other men, move through the world with a kind of “invisible swagger” that lets people know…

You are a man of VALUE… all for a tiny fraction of what Dex invested.

Now, Understand…

I’m Used To Commanding As Much As An Ivy-League Educated Attorney Per Hour For My Expertise…

Not because I’m anyone special, not because I’m some self-important jerk…

Or published some cleverly marketed “best-selling” self-help crapola and got my face on daytime TV…

But simply because I get 
real results for real men in the real world!

It’s basic “supply and demand” economics… and what I have to offer has value.

So I know I could easily charge 
$247 for The Dominance Code™ and men would happily pay it…

And send me glowing reviews about how they’re making their women CUM like a freight train…

Driving her frothing mad with lust…

And making her open and even 
EAGER to do the naughtiest, most taboo, and impossibly dirty stuff you thought women only do in porn flicks.

But look, I know things are getting tough out there…

Inflation is raging, the average Joe’s savings are dwindling, the stock market is starting to look shaky at best…

Justifying $247 in your budget, even for something you know is totally worth it…

It can be a bit of a stretch!

The reason Dex and I are making this available is to help guys like you out…

And we have to turn a modest profit to get a return for our time and effort…

But we don’t want to turn this into some “cash grab”.

So for a limited time, just for the 
first 250 guys who are willing to step forward and say YES to a lifetime of Big Dick Energy flowing through their veins…

You can get instant access to all 3 audios delivered digitally right to your inbox…

Not for $247…

Not for $147…

Not even for $97 bucks…

Today, you can claim your very own copy of The Dominance Code™ for just… 
$247 $67

Just Pay A One-Time Amount Of $97 $67

Now, getting something worth $250 bucks for less than 50 bucks is a hell of a good deal…

But Like All Great Deals, There Is ONE Catch… You Have To Take Action RIGHT NOW!

If you’re the kind of guy who hesitates or needs to “think about it” for a while…

This isn’t for you!

This is only for guys who know a good thing when they see one and are willing to take immediate action!

Now, no hard feelings if you’re not jumping at this…

There will definitely be a lot more than 250 guys who will.

That’s not bragging, I just know my tribe at this point… after all, I’ve been at this a while…

We need to get some word of mouth and success stories from men like you… and the women in their lives as well…

After all, nothing sells like word of mouth.

I’ve been relying on guys like you telling their buddies about me and recommending my training since I first hung up my shingle…

I know I’ll get lots of love from those 250 “early adopters”...

Enough street cred to make demand spike so high, that letting this truly life changing technology go for less than $250 won’t even make sense.

So, if you want to board this one-way bus out of a mediocre sex life for an impossibly low price…

You gotta act right now, right here, TODAY!

Just Pay A One-Time Amount Of $97 $67

And Just So You Don’t Have Any Excuses To Hold Back...

I’m Taking Away All Of Your Risk With A 60-Day No-Questions-Asked Guarantee!

Just hit the big red button that says “Get Access Now”...

Load the audio files into your favorite player, put on a pair of headphones, and hit “play”.

Feel the powerful effects of this clinically-validated technology go to work deep inside of your mind and body.

And only after you’ve convinced yourself that The Dominance Code™ is right for you…

Make the decision to keep it!

If you feel like it’s not worth at least 3X what you’ve paid for it…

… just zip off a single email to my personally trained customer service team.

And you’ll get every penny back…

No questions asked!

You can even keep all the materials just for agreeing to give the system a spin.

And all you have to do to take advantage TODAY…

Is to click the “Get Access Now” button below:

Just Pay A One-Time Amount Of $97 $67

Oh, and I almost forgot… in order to make your masculine metamorphosis even more spectacular…

You’ll Be Getting Instant Access To 3 Very Special Gifts Just For Saying  “YES!” To The Dominance Code™ Today...

So you’ll hit the ground running and increase the speed of your results, I’m going to include:

Sexual Mind Control

($47 Value)

Yes, this digitally-delivered companion training is aptly named… because that’s exactly what it’s going to do for you.

Starting the minute you absorb these mind-blowing techniques…

… you’ll hold your woman rapt, you’ll own her sexual imagination, you’ll be the star of every naughty fantasy that flashes in her mind…

Soon, she won’t be able to control herself… every time she thinks about you, she’ll feel a warm current of excitement…

Tingles of anticipation will coat every inch of her skin…

She’ll feel a flow of juices moisten her labia…

Her clit will swell and throb with anticipation for the trademarked thrills that ONLY YOU can give her.

By the time you’re finished with these simple step-by-step instructions…

She’s going to become your dirty, cock-hungry whore… eager to fulfill any and all of your most pressing erotic fantasies.

I’m talking anal, public sex, role play, even opening up her mind to bringing another woman into your bedroom…

Please be prepared however, if you don’t know how to manage a relationship and control her jealousy…

You could blow up your relationship and have your fantasies backfire on you!

So, make sure you’re prepared to open “Pandora’s Box” before you employ these patented methods.

You’ve been warned!

Next, I’ve decided to throw in…

The Fantasy Amplifier

($47 Value)

Speaking of getting her absolutely overjoyed to treat you to nasty, taboo, and unspeakably dirty stuff…

  • Like rubbing grape jelly on your rim and tonguing it off…
  • Or lacquering lube on her “brown star” and begging you for rear door entry… while she EXPLODES with shivering pleasure…
  • Or introducing chocolate and whipped cream in a titillating way to whip her up in a sexual frenzy…
  • Or coating your balls with maple syrup and hungrily licking off every ooey gooey drop before giving your shaft and head the same treatment…

You’re about to discover an endless array of mind-bending ways to make her squirm, squirt, and squeal with delight!

This guide is the ideal solution to make sure that your relationship is NEVER stuck in a rut ever again.

These gems could command $47 bucks on their own… but today, you’re getting them GRATIS…

Just for being a man with vision and balls who is willing to bet on himself.

Finally, I’ve decided to include…

Unshackle Her

Inner Naughty

Unshackle Her Inner Naughty

($47 Value)

Have you started to languish in a “lustless” relationship where getting her in the mood seems like pulling teeth?

Does it seem like she’s just too exhausted after a long day to give your penis the attention it deserves?

Maybe you think she’s too much of a “good girl” to ever want to do the dirty things you’re eager to try.

That’s exactly why I composed this one-of-a-kind training.

It’s designed to help you unlock her inner curiosity, untangle her inhibitions, lead her out of the hang-ups that are holding her back…

And unleash an unrestrained sexual beast quietly sleeping inside of her.

Every woman, from the pole-twirling stripper to the church-going good girl has this “untamed sexual animal” buried deep inside…

She just needs the right man who can lead it out of her!

Starting tonight, with your newfound Dominant Vibes and this paint-by-numbers simple system…

You can finally bring out the “naughty little slut” in her personality…

I feel very confident that your dick will thank you for discovering this.

Just Pay A One-Time Amount Of $97 $67

Let’s Add This All Up… So You Can Really See What Kind Of Value You’re Getting…

The Dominance Code™ Core Audio Program ($247 Value) - To surround a woman with a commanding and irresistibly sexy masculine energy she can’t say no to, delivered in 3 immersive proprietary audios

Sexual Mind Control™ ($47 Value) - To completely OWN her sexual fantasies and get her automatically imagining incredibly dirty erotic adventures she wants to share with you (and maybe one of her sexy girlfriends)

The Fantasy Amplifier ($47 Value) - To get her drenched with anticipation to do the dirtiest deeds your mind can imagine and love every second of it!

Unshackle Her Inner Naughty ($47 value) - To unwind her hang ups and melt away her inhibitions so all the social programming that holds her back from sharing her wildest and most erotic side with you fades away

Adding it all up it’s a value of $388

Now, Be Honest…

Wouldn’t You Pay $500 To See The Woman Of Your Dreams  Slurp Down Your Man Meat Like A Melting Popsicle On A Sultry Summer Day?

Or watch her eyes roll back in her skull as she slowly slides down your man shaft and shivers as every centimeter probes her most sensitive spots?

Or twitch and spasm as you feed your fat cock into her tight, brown ass?

Don’t you want to know what it’s like to feel her pussy clench around you…

… and her mound quiver with a
volley of intense climaxes that make her see stars?

The key to all of this isn’t what’s between her legs, it’s what’s between her ears…

And specifically, how she
FEELS about you!

dominant, commanding energy that sends her heart aflutter is a gift to her.

It’s a way you can make her feel the elusive emotions she truly craves deep in her soul.

And it’s the secret to giving her
“permission” to share her wildest, most erotic, and unrestrained sexual self with you.

Today, and every day for the rest of your life… you can give her this gift…

You can be the man she automatically respects, adores, and even WORSHIPS.

So go ahead, don’t be selfish, give her this gift…

And she’ll gift you with EVERYTHING she has in return!

Just Pay A One-Time Amount Of $97 $67

Isn’t It Time For You To Take Charge Of Your Destiny…

Instead Of Ending Up A “Sexual Castaway”?

Take a look around you… do you see most men living as though they’re sexually fulfilled?

Does it seem to you like most guys “swim in pussy”?

Or do they come off like they’re dying of thirst in a sexual desert?

Let’s be frank here, most guys live lives of quiet desperation…

Suffocating in mediocrity, wasting the best years of their lives feeling confused and anxious and uncertain.

For 99% of men, once the honeymoon thrill wears off, they languish in a wasteland for the rest of their days…

They have to trudge out the trash, mow the lawn and dispose of the trimmings, buy her gifts, give her massages…

Just to get 5 minutes of joyless sex she forgets about 30 seconds later.

Today’s the day you say “no more”!

Today is the day that you stop living life like it’s a spectator sport…

And take charge of your destiny!

Today’s the day you decided to unleash the torrent of manly power hidden inside of you…

A wild animal that’s just waiting to be let out of his cage.

Flip your Dominance Network ON, let the crackle of unbridled brawn flow through you…

Invigorate you inside of every particle of your body…

And give your woman, or any woman you want to make yours, the rare gift of a man who makes her lightheaded with his VERY BEING…

It’s your birthright and today, it’s yours for the taking!

Once again, my name is Lloyd Lester and I look forward to hearing about your success soon.

Just Pay A One-Time Amount Of $97 $67

Scientific References








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