See Details Below...
It was Saturday night at a crowded rooftop bar in San Diego’s Gaslamp district…
I was there to share a drink with an ex-Green Beret who a mutual friend told me “I absolutely had to meet...”

Based on the few details I had… I expected to meet up with someone who bore a striking resemblance to Captain America...
… instead I was greeted by a stocky, grey-haired guy in his mid-50s.
He was well-dressed and reasonably fit for his age… but miles short of the superhero I’d created in my mind
A few microbrews later... the ice melted and he started to fill me in on more details of his background…
He served in the Gulf War where he did reconnaissance and rescue missions behind enemy lines…
After the war ended he made his living as a private military contractor providing security and combat training.
His specialty was hand-to-hand… disarming and disabling opponents without the use of weapons.
But I wasn’t there to hear how he could bring Navy SEALs to their knees with his bare hands…
… and I was about to get my first glimpse of the real reason I’d given up my Saturday night to meet him…
Because just as we polished off our second round...
A Gorgeous Latin Bombshell Strolled Into The Bar…

Her tight white top barely contained her luscious tits and a pair of designer jeans hugged her perfectly formed ass…
A simple toss of her jet-black hair and the glimmer of her caramel skin sent a shock wave of lust through every man within eyeshot…
She wandered up to the bar to place her drink order…
As she perched there waiting for her drink… my new friend made his move.
“If you’ll excuse me for just a minute”... he said, a glimmer in his eye as he stood up from the table.
He walked up to her and instead of saying hello he simply offered his hand to her…
She reached out to grab it politely but as she did... I saw him shake her hand in a way I’d never seen a man do before…
With just a few seconds of touch...
Her Posture Instantly Changed… As She Perked Up And Thrust Her Chest Out Into His Eye Line...

Without breaking eye contact he gently wrapped his other hand around hers…
… allowing it to linger for a split second before slowly letting go…
… letting the tips of his fingers lightly brush against her wrists, then the back of her hands, and finally all the way down her fingers.
Her arm stayed extended and her hand remained slightly outstretched…
… hanging in the air like she was a fair maiden offering her hand to a proud knight in shining armor
He tilted his body and with his left hip gently making contact with her right, he leaned in slightly…
... stopping just a few inches short of her ear to say his first words to her…
It was too loud in the bar for me to hear what he said but based on the few seconds it took it was probably just his name...
… then he gently pulled back a bit while her body seemed to automatically chase after him…
The space between them was too much for her as she leaned in...
Pressing Her Supple Breasts Into His Arm While She Whispered In His Ear…
After she pulled away, she kept steady eye contact and methodically stroked her hair with her right hand...
It was mere minutes after he first walked up to her and she seemed to be completely sexually obsessed with him!
And let me be clear, he wasn’t anything special to look at at all.
He had an oversized nose and a big bald spot on the back of his head…
He must have been a good 20 years older than her and at barely 5’8” he was no more than eye level with her in her high heels…’
But what really floored me was he’d maybe said 5 sentences to her throughout this whole time…
Yet, Something About The Way He Touched Her Seemed To Ignite A Fuse Of Lust That She Couldn’t Ignore...
A few moments later he gestured to a pair of recently vacated chairs for them to continue their conversation and she enthusiastically followed.
They sat down and she crossed her legs in his direction… stroking the stem of her wine glass and subtly licking her lips while they talked

Periodically… he’d find small opportunities to tantalize her more with his innocent yet alluring touch…
I ordered another beer and couldn’t have been more than half finished by the time they were making out…
… her hands stroking the inside of his thigh while the jealous eyes of other guys in the bar looked on…
If I wasn’t a happily married man… I probably would have been one of them.
Then, not wasting any time… he leaned into her, whispered into her ear, and gestured over to an apartment building right across the street…
He stood up, grasped her hand lightly, and pulled her up to follow him…
She placed her hand around his waist and he let his hand gently press against the small of her back as he led her out.
I Couldn’t Believe What I’d Just Seen!
So you’re probably wondering... exactly what did this average looking, over-the-hill guy do to get a hot girl half his age into bed in all of about 30 minutes…
… without cheesy pickup lines, ridiculous “PUA tricks”, hours of witty conversation, or even buying her a single drink?
… and why am I telling you any of this to begin with?
Well, I’ll start with the second question first…
My Name Is Lloyd Lester And I Help Guys Like You Enjoy Legendary Sex Lives...

Throughout the course of my career
I’ve been blessed to help over 28,000 men from every liveable continent on the planet give women addictive orgasms
… last as long as they want and enjoy round after hot sweaty round of passionate sex every night of the week
I’m kind of a “sex nerd,” and I’ve built my reputation from doing over 34,000 hours of personal research into the science of enjoying life changing pleasure at any age… or any stage of your relationship.
I have a passion for developing and sharing high quality programs that teach literally ANY man how to enjoy a sex life that could make most porn stars jealous.
Now, I realize those are big claims and I don’t expect you to just take my word for it…
Here’s what just a few of my satisfied clients have to say:
Frank S.
from Tampa, Florida said this:
Lloyd, thank you for that tip. Great insight. Invaluable piece of information. I'm going to ramp it up and use it to her advantage and greater benefit.
I love my wife, and I want her to feel every bit the woman that she is. I want her to feel good about herself, long after the sex is over. Thank you for bringing this incredible insight to my attention. Hats off to you!
Greg R
from the great state of Kentucky had this to say:
Hey Lloyd, I did receive your email and am enjoying the material. I enjoy learning about sex and the female body. I'm continuing to improve my approach and results to helping a woman orgasm hard and often. Let's just say, I get repeat lady visitors often. Thanks for sharing your passion and knowledge.
P Morgan
from Westcroft, UK had this to say:
Lloyd, I bought your G-spot material a couple of years ago and have used it with great success. Your techniques are so easy to follow. In fact they have helped me become a lot more confident in the bedroom, while knowing full well how to please my lady.
Helping ordinary men enjoy extraordinary sex is what I’ve dedicated my life to…
… and I take what I do very seriously.
So When A Friend Of Mine Called Me Up And Told Me That I Had To Meet An Ex-Green Beret… I Have To Admit I Was A Little Confused…

“What’s so special about him?” I asked.
“Just trust me Lloyd… you’ll want to see what I mean for yourself,” he answered back.
Which led me to meeting him for a drink when I was in San Diego on business…
… and to the rooftop bar where I saw him effortlessly seduce a total smokeshow in less time than it takes to order GrubHub…
When I saw him strolling out of the place with her hanging all over him…
… part of me wondered if my buzzed brain had just made the whole thing up.
But, I looked down and noticed I still had a couple sips left of my 3rd beer.
Enough to feel good… but not staggering drunk enough to fantasize what I’d just seen.
As the shock to my brain started to wear off…
I Felt A Buzzing In My Pants...
I recognized it as my phone and I pulled it out to see this on the screen
“Sorry about sticking you with the bill man, but when opportunity knocks you got to answer ;-)
Let’s chat a little more tomorrow at 3 PM.
I’m in the building just across the street from the bar… apartment 302.
The next day, at 3 PM on the button… he buzzed me into his building.
I climbed the stairs to his place and just as I was rounding the corner to the hallway of his apartment…
… I saw a beautiful blonde come out of one of the apartments

Her hair was messy and her face looked flush… like she’d just enjoyed a good romp.
She put on a pair of sunglasses and walked past me in the hallway without making eye contact…
As I got toward the Green Beret’s room I recognized that she’d just left his apartment.
“Damn,” I thought to myself “what is it with this guy?”
He didn’t even fully close the door as I got there… and he greeted me.
And When I Went Inside…
What I Saw Totally Floored Me…

There were pictures of him with 3 different US presidents…
His walls were covered with medals and letters of recognition from at least a half dozen foreign heads of state…
I have to admit I was impressed!
He offered me an espresso and I sat down on a large, leather sofa as he filled me in on more details of his life.
He’d spent the last few decades providing personal security consulting and training to foreign governments and private organizations…
… ambassadors, corporate executives, and representatives from non-governmental organizations working in unstable parts of the world relied on him to train their security teams and keep them safe.
About 25 years ago, he’d developed a special form of hand-to-hand combat based on the training he’d received in the Marines.
It was based on something he called “Autonomic Neural Response” or ANR for short. As he shared
“The human nervous system comes pre-programmed with all kinds of responses…
So for instance, if I were to stomp on your foot, your body would automatically recoil and it would put you off-balance.
It’s something your body does completely unconsciously, and you have no control over it…
… since I can predict your response, I can use a series of combat moves to disarm you, disable you, or even destroy you if I needed to.
Your body has thousands of these automatic responses built into it…
… and based on this knowledge and my military training, I was able to develop a unique combat style out of it."
But it was what he told me next that really piqued my interest…
An Automatic And Almost Effortless Way To Seduce ANY Woman In the World... And All Without Having To Say A Word To Her…
He went on to tell me that as a younger man he struggled to talk to women…
… just the idea of having to approach a woman, face rejection, and start a conversation with her sent a chill down his spine.
“It’s ironic I know… I’ve had to kill armed men with my bare hands in battle… but I couldn’t work up the courage to talk to a girl,” he said…
“I spent a decade of my life training for those situations… but talking to women requires a completely different kind of confidence.”
He went on to tell me how that crippling shyness crushed his dating and sex life for years…
Until one day he visited a massage therapist to help him deal with some career stress.
The woman who gave him the massage was about 50 years old, squat, and at least 40 pounds overweight…
… but when she started touching him, he felt his body melt, relax and suddenly… he noticed he started to get hard!
This woman was the furthest thing from his “wet dream”… but it was like he couldn’t help himself from getting excited.
And That’s When A Lightbulb
Went Off In His Brain…
And That’s When A Lightbulb Went Off In His Brain…
He realized that something about the way she touched him must have triggered his sexual Automatic Neural Response (ANR)…
… practically forcing him to get turned on.
The EXACT same pre-programmed responses in the human nervous system that gave him a massive advantage on the battlefield…
… might also give him a big advantage in the bedroom.
So he went to work… he took his knowledge of the human nervous system he’d gained from over a decade of combat training…
… and he began to study different pathways in the female nervous system that might automatically trigger pleasure…
… he went out 3 - 5 nights a week to different venues… coffee shops, bars, clubs…
… and he tested a variety of different methods on hundreds of women over a period of 19 months.
Finally, he discovered a 5-step method to effortlessly and automatically make a woman feel comfortable, curious, and turned on...
… and eventually create a flood of lust and intense pleasure in her body she simply couldn’t ignore.
He Called It…
The W4H Formula™
He explained it was a system that allowed him to get any woman incredibly horny on command…
… by tapping into her Automatic Neural Response or ANR and triggering intense pleasure and sexual desire that she naturally projected onto him...
And as he explained, the reason this method is such a game-changer for any man’s sex life…
… is because of how simple and versatile it is.
Whether you’re single, in a relationship or married… if you want to enjoy a sex life that is lightyears beyond what you experience now...
The W4H Formula™ is an almost “done for you” way to make it happen.

W4H stands for When, Where, What, Why and How…

It's a 5-step formula to break the ice, turn up the heat and create irresistible sexual tension whenever and on whoever you want…
Since it’s based on automatic responses built into a woman’s nervous system…
… it escalates from totally normal, socially acceptable forms of touch that fly completely underneath her radar...
… so you won’t ever have to worry that you’ll come off creepy or weird…
And within mere seconds...
Women Who Used To Seem Out Of Your League… Will Suddenly Warm Up To You Like You’re Her Knight In Shining Armor…
Now, if you’ve been in a relationship for a while where the passion has started to fade a bit…
… and you’re tired of trying to romance her with flowers, candy, and fancy dinners…
… or having to beg her or bargain for sex by doing chores like taking out the trash or scrubbing the bathroom toilets

Then you’ll really love this because the W4H Formula™ bypasses all the normal “rejection mechanisms” in her brain that make her shut you down.
So you’ll have a simple, repeatable way to not just get her in the mood whenever you want…

… but because you’re automatically stimulating the most powerful pleasure pathways in her nervous system…
...you’ll be making her so turned on… she’ll soon be enjoying some of the most intense and satisfying sexual pleasure of her entire life.
And you won’t have to learn any fancy moves or memorize any special “erogenous zones” on her body to make it happen.
The second my new friend shared just a few details... I was jumping with excitement to learn these skills for myself…
So I asked him if he would teach me… and he agreed, but there was just one problem…
He Wanted A Cool $5000 In Cash
To Show Me His System...
He Wanted A Cool $5000 In Cash To Show Me His System...

Now, I’m a hard-working guy and while I earn a good living from what I do...
I’m certainly not rich and spending that kind of money on a whim is definitely not something I would normally do…
… especially considering that I’d already picked up his bar tab the night before...
But I’d already seen him in action, so I knew firsthand how powerful what he had to offer truly was…
… I felt like if it could work even half as well for me, it would be worth it.
So, I took him up on his offer and even though I was already impressed with what I’d seen firsthand…
When He Pulled Back The Curtain And Showed Me Everything… I Was Truly Blown Away!
I was already very knowledgeable about how to turn women on…
But my new friend showed me things I’d never seen or heard of before. For example:

And that was just scratching the surface…
I felt like when he was done “downloading” his secrets into my brain…
… I had a Ph.D in how to make a woman crave my touch on command!
But The Real Test Came When
I Met Up With My Wife Later That Week…
But The Real Test Came When I Met Up With My Wife Later That Week…
She’d been swamped at work, our son had been down all week with the flu, and since I’d been out of town and couldn’t help...
… she was feeling totally overwhelmed and stressed out.
Under any other circumstances, I’d be waiting a while before I got any bedroom action.
But instead of trying to console her verbally… I just took her hand and used one of the new “touch tactics” on her.
It was easy and required just a few simple strokes on her wrists, knuckles and fingertips…
She practically melted in my arms the minute I did it… and I could immediately see her body relax and the stress melt away.
Then, I started to massage her gently using a simple motion I’d just learned from my ex-Green Beret mentor…

First her shoulders, then her hips, and finally… down to her thighs…
I could hear her breathing getting heavier and feel her body temperature rise as I did this…
Soon enough, her knees began to move aside and her legs spread as if she was inviting me to “pet her kitty”...
And that’s when I used one of the “non-touch” methods to pull back… practically forcing her body to crave more.
She turned around and began kissing me forcefully, pressing her breasts into my lower chest and forcing her groin onto my knees…
That was my cue to start in on her more “sensitive areas” but instead of caressing her the way I usually did…
… I teased her and made her wait to get what by now her body desperately craved.
And nearly one hour later, while her sweaty, naked, completely exhausted body laid next to mine…
… she looked over to me and said…
Wow! I Don’t Know What Came Over Me… That Was The Last Thing On My Mind When You Walked In The Door...

I smiled slyly inside… the new moves I used were so imperceptible to her she wasn’t even aware anything was different.
Well, that was all the proof I needed to know that my investment was more than worth it…
But given that I’ve made it my life’s calling to help guys around the world enjoy the best sex of their lives…
… I knew there were more than just a few men out there that would be interested to discover this powerful new way to master any woman’s body…
Using simple, under the radar touches that will send a tsunami of pleasure through her at will...
So I called the ex-Green Beret and I asked him if he wouldn’t mind me putting his secrets into a training course…
Something men from every corner of the globe could instantly access and start enjoying hotter, more frequent sex with any woman they desired.
He was hesitant at first… because he’d worked hard to develop his methods and he’d only shared them with a few guys who’d been willing to shell out big bucks like I had.
The last thing he wanted was for a bunch of bozos to overuse the tactics and ruin them for himself and those select men he’d personally trained…
But when I explained how many guys out there were living lives of “quiet desperation”...
… in sexless marriages that seemed destined for the divorce court, in boring relationships where the passion and fun had long since faded…
… or even guys having trouble getting laid at all…
And after practically begging him...
He Agreed To Allow Me To Open This Up
To My Tribe On One Condition…
He Agreed To Allow Me To Open This Up To My Tribe On One Condition…
I had to strictly limit the number of men to only 500 top quality guys in the world…
The last thing he wanted is for this information to spread too far and wide so that it gets overused and becomes less effective.
My friend wants to protect his hard work… which I’m sure you can understand.
So immediately upon getting his permission… I got to work...
… codifying everything he taught me and adding in a few twists of my own…
… ways to make his system even better, easier to master and implement based on my extensive experience and research.
And the end result is a powerful, effective method to effortlessly seduce any woman in the world with just a few strokes of your hands…
I call it…
Effortless Erotic Touch
How To Make Any Woman Melt With Lust Without Saying A Word

This instantly downloadable system gives you the “keys to the kingdom” to make a woman putty in your hands…
With a few simple, easily learned and implemented touches that no woman in the world can resist.
It’s based on my mentor’s exclusive W4H Formula™ to leverage the power of "Automatic Neural Response"...
… pleasure pathways that have been pre-installed in every woman’s nervous system on the planet by evolution…
… to instantly melt her resistance, create curiosity and intimacy, and ultimately make her feel a volcanic blast of lust that overwhelms her mind, body and soul.
This is perfect for men who are short on words, shy to talk to women, or find themselves running out of things to say when out with women.
It’s also great for guys in relationships who struggle to communicate, create intimacy and get their partners in the mood…
This is perfect for men who are short on words, shy to talk to women, or find themselves running out of things to say when out with women.
It’s also great for guys in relationships who struggle to communicate, create intimacy and get their partners in the mood…
Whether you’re struggling to win her heart… or just want to have hotter sex practically on command…
… this system isn’t one option for you… it’s literally the only option of its kind.
With that in mind… and since you’re still reading this, let’s talk about…
How You Can Effortlessly Seduce at Will…
Starting As Soon As Tonight!
How You Can Effortlessly Seduce at Will… Starting As Soon As Tonight!
As I’ve already mentioned Effortless Erotic Touch is a 100% digitally downloadable guide…
Which means the minute you say “yes” to picking up a copy of this breakthrough for yourself…
… you’ll get instant access and you’ll be able to start applying what you learn as soon as tonight!
Now, if you’re familiar with what I do and the quality of training I offer…
… you know my programs don’t come cheap.
And given that I myself invested $5000 to get my hands on this information…
… and the fact that it’s limited to 500 men worldwide (not my rules, my mentor’s)...
I should charge at least $299 for it.
After all, it’s a fraction of what I paid for it and given that it has the power to easily double your sex life…
I would say $299 is a small price to pay.
But, I also want to make this available to a larger audience of guys out there because…
... I know there’s a lot of hard-working guys who have a mortgage payment to make and hungry mouths to feed…
… and I understand that even when you see something that’s obviously worth it, it can be tough to “be selfish” and give yourself this kind of gift...
So, I want to make it easy for any guy who’s willing to take action TODAY…
Before I hit my quota of 500 copies sold…
I’m going to reduce the cost of the program from $67 to only… $47

Now, you may be thinking “if this is as great as I say it is… why would I let it go for so much less than it’s worth.”
And the reason I’m willing to do this is admittedly a selfish one…
Let me explain…
See, I produce what I firmly believe to be the most valuable programs of their kind anywhere in the world.
I have well over a dozen different courses on a variety of topics to help ordinary guys just like you enjoy exceptional sex lives…
… because I believe that every man deserves to have a quality sex life…
Not just rich, famous or genetically gifted guys…
And my numbers tell me that 96% of all the men who invest in at least one of my programs… come back for more!
So, giving you a chance to sample what I offer at an almost unbelievable value just makes good business sense for me.
But remember, it’s only good as long I haven’t reached the very strict quota of only 500 buyers...
So don’t hesitate!

Since I Insist On Satisfaction
With Everything I Create…
Your copy of Effortless Erotic Touch comes with my ironclad, 100% “you’ll love it or you don’t pay” guarantee…
Here’s how that works… just hit the button below that says “Add To Cart”...
Take Effortless Erotic Touch for a spin for a full 60 days…
Convince yourself that the almost done-for-you material ignites her sex drive like a dry pile of tinder soaked with kerosene…
Experience how easy it can be to break the ice, get her curious about you and lead her all the way to the bedroom…
...even if you’re normally shy or tongue tied around beautiful women…
If you feel that Effortless Erotic Touch isn’t worth at least 5 times what you paid for it…
I don’t want your money!
Zip off one quick email to me and I’ll cheerfully refund every penny you paid.

And As An Added Bonus To “Knock You Off The Log”
And Get You To Take Action Right Now…
And As An Added Bonus To “Knock You Off The Log” And Get You To Take Action Right Now…
I’ve decided to include as an added bonus, a downloadable audio version of the guide…
So you can take the entire program in MP3 format to take with you “on the go”...
That way, if you struggle to find the time to sit down and read…
...you can still “download” the W4H Formula™ into your brain and effortlessly seduce any woman with your touch…
This valuable add-on is easily worth an extra $47 all on its own… but it’s yours on the house for agreeing to take Effortless Erotic Touch for a spin.
Why Continue To Struggle With A Mediocre Sex Life… Especially Since I’ve Made It So Easy And Risk Free…
You can continue to lay awake at night sexually frustrated and at a loss for how to automatically and predictably ignite her lust for you…
You can continue to feel anxiety at the thought of running out of things to say or not knowing how to start a conversation with the woman of your dreams…
And you can keep giving up your weekends knocking off chores on the “Honey Do” list… trying to bargain your way into her pants…
Or you can take the simpler, easier path I’ve laid out for you on this page.
You don’t even have to say “yes” today… all you have to say is “maybe.”
Give me half of your trust and let me deliver the other half with hot, sweaty, deeply satisfying results in your sex life…
With the hard limit of 500 copies, the very time-limited special introductory price, and my risk-free guarantee…
There’s no reason not to give Effortless Erotic Touch a spin...
So go for it… hit the button below and let’s get you started right now while the discount is still valid and the limit of 500 hasn’t been reached…
Once again, I’m Lloyd Lester and I look forward to hearing about your success soon.

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