See Details Below...

“I want you to FUCK ME!”

“I want you to FUCK ME!”

Those are the words my dream girl Kimberly said to me just over one year ago

Those are the words my dream girl Kimberly said to me just over one year ago…

We’d been out at a rave and after a night of spinning glow sticks and bouncing to trance music…

… we were stark naked and sprawled out in my one-bedroom apartment.

We’d been out at a rave and after a night of spinning glow sticks and bouncing to trance music…

… we were stark naked and sprawled out in my one-bedroom apartment.

Her delicious, golden thighs spread wide…

Her perky tits heaving with anticipation…

Her dripping wet mound calling out to my manhood…

Part of me had to pinch myself to make sure that I wasn’t dreaming.

This girl that I’d fantasized about every waking minute for months…

Whose delicious body I’d imagined from every angle…

… in the tight tops and body-hugging pants she wore nearly every day…

Who never showed more than a polite, professional interest in me…

Naked and waiting impatiently for me to ravish her.

But it wasn’t the alcohol, the trance music, or the over-sexed atmosphere of the night club that made her suddenly so eager to jump my bones…

It was simply that, just a few hours before this happened… we each took a dose of pure MDMA - also known as Ecstasy or Molly…

And little did I know it… but that experience was about to transform my sex life for the better and forever!

Now, before you go thinking that I’m some creep who uses potent street drugs to take advantage of girls…

You should know that this was the first and only time in my life I’ve EVER used an illegal drug.

And it wasn’t even MY idea to take it in the first place.

So then why am I telling you any of this?

It’s because that one little dose of mind-altering chemistry…

Accidentally led me to discover a powerful secret…

A Way To Sexually Brainwash Any Woman In The World!

A Way To Sexually Brainwash

Any Woman In The World!

A Way To Sexually Brainwash Any Woman In The World!

Legally, ethically, and just in case you’re wondering… WITHOUT using a single dose of drugs or a drop of alcohol…

And not only create an overwhelming and almost instant animal attraction…

But dominate her mind, body, and soul with such intense, eye-rolling, body-quivering pleasure…

That it permanently rewires her sexual impulses…

Turning her into a rabid, cock-craving slut who simply can’t get enough.

She’ll soon be totally hypnotized by the life-affirming pleasure that only you can give her…

And fantasize about sharing the naughtiest, nastiest sex acts she can possibly imagine…

… plus, a few more ultra-taboo ones she didn’t even know were there.

  • Single guys can use this to create white-hot attraction in women that normally wouldn’t give them the time of day…

    And thrill her with such otherworldly sexual pleasure…

    No other man can POSSIBLY compete!
  • Married guys can unleash a thermonuclear firestorm of pleasure…

    … that makes your honeymoon look like a night of bridge with the neighbors…

You’ll see her looking at you with big, puppy dog eyes…

Thrilled to simply BE in your presence… and willing to do nearly ANYTHING in her power to fully please you.

She’ll blow up your phone with booty calls… she’ll cook your favorite foods… she’ll show you her sweet, feminine side…

She’ll look up to you… respect you… value you… and of course…

She’ll Ride You Like A Stolen

Sports Car In The Bedroom!

She’ll Ride You Like A Stolen

Sports Car In The Bedroom!

She’ll Ride You Like A Stolen Sports Car In The Bedroom!

Pulling out every trick in her sexual repertoire… plus a few you never even knew she had…

It’s all due to a powerful mind-altering “technology” that taps directly into her sexual imagination…

Practically forcing her to fantasize about you…

… until she absolutely NEEDS to feel you inside of her.

And today, thanks to groundbreaking 21st century technology…

This “Erotic Portal” in her mind has finally been exposed.

And with the help of a reclusive sex genius…

A man whose work has already been responsible for over 2 million female orgasms and counting…

The Code To Activate It Has

Now Been Revealed To The World…

The Code To Activate It Has Now Been Revealed To The World…

The Code To Activate It Has Now Been Revealed To The World…

I should know… I was the first man whose life was totally transformed by this powerful new technique.

And I’m bearing my soul and telling my very personal and private story to you, a perfect stranger, because…

I know how much this secret means to men in the modern world.

We’re living through a sexless epidemic that’s literally destroying our society.

Us guys have been hit especially hard by this and it’s only going to get worse from here unless we do something about it!

Everything from school shootings, rampant crime, joblessness, suicide rates, even plummeting testosterone levels…

The root of all these issues can all be traced to the fact that men are NOT having enough sex.

And it’s not just young men either… middle-aged and older men are just as vulnerable.

Married men who have to put up with argumentative wives who turn bitter, gain weight, cut their hair short…

And stop making ANY effort whatsoever to be attractive to you.

Single men have to tolerate women with overinflated egos…

… who treat you like a suspected rapist just for saying “hi”.

And it’s making both sexes miserable… depressed… lonely and unfulfilled.

So, whether you’re single or already in a relationship…

  • If you want to give any woman an erotic thrill ride of mind-blowing pleasure…
  • If you want her to look at you with the loving devotion and loyalty she used to have afor you when you first started dating…
  • Or if you no longer want to be at the mercy of a ruthless dating market that seems rigged against you as a guy…

You owe it to yourself to hear me out while I explain exactly how you can hack into a woman’s erotic mind…

And naturally activate her most primal, biologically-coded impulses…

To Unleash A DELUGE Of 

Raw Sexual Energy That She’ll

Share With You And ONLY You!

To Unleash A DELUGE Of Raw Sexual Energy

That She’ll Share With You And ONLY You!

To Unleash A DELUGE Of Raw Sexual Energy That She’ll Share With You And ONLY You!

My name is Jacob Baker and confession time here…

I’m not the kind of guy you’d ever think was a “lady’s man.”

I’m 5’8” on a good day, I have a doughy, “skinny fat” body that never changes no matter how much I exercise…

… and for most of my life I was PAINFUL when I tried to talk to women I’m attracted to.

Honestly, I was a complete pariah in high school and didn’t even kiss a girl until I was a senior in college.

I finally got laid in grad school, but I’ll be blunt… she was average looking at best.

Not ugly enough to be featured in a circus freak show, but far short of my ideal girl.

Flash forward a few years and I completed a PhD in neuroscience from a prestigious university…

And landed a job leading research projects with a neurotechnology start up.

That’s Where I Met Kimberly…

She had an almost angelic face and a body that could make a 90-year-old man stiff as steel.

It was almost painful to watch her parade around the office in blouses that exposed the faint outline of her nipples…

And tight black dress pants that hugged the elegant curves of her thighs and supple ass.

I found myself drifting away and daydreaming about seeing that heart-shaped ass tilted in the air…

While I plunged into the warm, wet folds of her pussy… making her scream out in ecstasy…

But fantasizing is as far as I got…

Until About 3 Weeks Out From
A Huge Trial That Could Make

Or Break My Career…

Until About 3 Weeks Out From A Huge Trial That Could Make Or Break My Career…

The company had developed a truly revolutionary pain management technology…

I was hired to oversee the research project that was going to bring this technology to market.

Now, because the company was a startup, the pay wasn’t great.

But as a bonus, I received quarterly stock options.

We had just completed our first human trial…

Bringing our technology one step closer to market.

Just the news of a positive result for this trial would send our stock soaring…

And make my quarterly bonus worth a small fortune.

My heart pounded as I overlooked the data coming in…

The early results exceeded our wildest expectations!

But we still needed to package and submit everything perfectly…

If we didn’t… the regulatory agencies would make our lives a living hell and kill our chances of getting to market.

That’s where Kimberly came in, she was a wizard at dealing with all the bureaucratic red tape…

With her help and a string of late nights…

… our team was able to complete our trials and submit everything correctly.

We got the green light to continue to the next phase of trials…

And As Soon As Wall Street Caught Wind…

Our Stock Price Shot Up 30% In Less Than A Week…

Everyone around the office was riding high…

The CEO let us take a half day on Friday as a reward for all our hard work.

As I was leaving the office to head home… I felt a buzz in my pocket from my phone…

I pulled it out, swiped it alive, and saw a message on the screen from Kimberly.

“Thanks for all the incredible work you did.

A couple of us from the office are going to head to a club downtown tonight to celebrate.

You should come.”

A sudden surge of pleasure bathed my whole being from head to toe…

Not because I thought she was coming onto me…

I’d long since given up hope that girls as hot as her would ever love me for my brain.

But because a hot woman had never invited me out to party with her before.

That’s How I Found Myself

In The Back Of A Limousine…

That’s How I Found Myself In The Back Of A Limousine…

About To Do Illegal Drugs

For The First Time In My Life…

About To Do Illegal Drugs For The First Time In My Life…

Kimberly convinced the CEO to rent a limo for the night so we could celebrate…

I opened the door to see her and a half dozen familiar faces… all from different departments in the company.

But Kimberly stood out in a light pink mini skirt, see-through black lace top and a matching black bra…

One glance of her sent a current of red-hot lust rushing through my body.

We pulled up to the club and everyone started to pile out into the warm night air…

I was just about to step out of the car and onto the curb when I felt Kimberly’s dainty hand on my kneecap.

“Hold up just a second…” she said… with a glint of mischief in her big brown eyes.

“Have you ever done Ecstasy?” She

Asked Me In A Slightly Hushed Tone…

“Have you ever done Ecstasy?”

She Asked Me In A Slightly Hushed Tone…

“Have you ever done Ecstasy?” She Asked Me In A Slightly Hushed Tone…

“Don’t worry, one of the guys in the lab at work tested it for me… it’s 100% pure… pharmaceutical grade stuff…

C’mon Jake, live a little” she prodded.

The peer pressure worked, I grabbed the pill, tossed it down my throat and washed it down with a gulp of champagne.

About a half-hour later I felt it kick in…

A new kind of courage overcame me…

I was open and unafraid in a social setting that normally would have made me feel out of touch…

I could talk and relate to this hot girl like she was an old friend…

I naturally connected to her on a very deep level…

Every light brush against her bare skin erupted in a burst of pleasure…

And based on the way she touched me back… I knew the feeling was mutual.

Soon We Were Out On The Dance Floor,

Swaying, Bouncing, And Grinding

To The Hypnotic Tones Of Trance Music…

Soon We Were Out On The Dance Floor, Swaying, Bouncing, And Grinding To The Hypnotic Tones Of Trance Music…

Things intensified until during one chorus I leaned in and pressed my lips into hers.

If not for the drugs, I never would have had the balls to take the risk…

But the second I did…

My nostrils lit up with her sweet scent…

… and every inch of my skin exploded with euphoria as her perfect form melted into mine.

Details are foggy but I do remember piling into the back of a cab with her and giving the driver directions to my apartment.

But what happened after that is a memory I’ll never forget…

Her and I… sprawled out on my bed…

As we frantically removed each other’s clothes.

We licked and sucked and writhed each other into a roller-coaster ride of intense orgasms…

Years of pent-up sexual energy poured out of me and into her…

Round after round for what felt like hours…

Until we collapsed from exhaustion.

Our sweat-soaked bodies bathing in post-climactic pleasure as we drifted off to sleep.

The Drug Brought Me To New Heights But

Slammed Me Back To Earth Even Harder…

The Drug Brought Me To New Heights But Slammed Me Back To Earth Even Harder…

A massive headache, a feeling of disorientation, and a “blah” feeling followed me around all weekend…

If that wasn’t enough, Kimberly was gone the next morning and didn’t reply to any of my texts…

At work on Monday, after everyone else in the department went home for the day…

She invited me into her office so… in her words… we could “chat for a sec”.

Her seductive eyes told me everything I needed to know… just in case I hadn’t already gotten the message from her roaring silence.

“Look Jake, I had fun the other night… I hope we both did… but it was a mistake…

I think we need to keep our relationship professional from here on out…

I hope you understand.”

I expected her to say something like that and let me down gently…

But Inside I Couldn’t Help Feeling

Ripped To Shreds By Disappointment…

But Inside I Couldn’t Help Feeling Ripped To Shreds By Disappointment…

“Well, at least I actually got laid before getting the ‘let’s just be friends’ talk,” I told myself…

But the fact is… it didn’t really console me much.

I was sick and tired of being alone… sick and tired of swiping through dating sites and only matching with overweight single moms…

I was sick and tired of never feeling like I was the one with a choice…

I wanted sweaty sex with girls as hot as Kimberly every night of the week…

Most of all, I just didn’t want to feel so alone…

I’d Had A Taste Of The Sex Life

I’d Longed For My Whole Life…

I’d Had A Taste Of The Sex Life I’d Longed For My Whole Life…

And I Wanted More!

And I Wanted More!

My mind kept drifting back to that night…

At one point I felt a shift in her… almost like a different side to her personality had been unleashed by the drug…

And an insatiable sexual animal that’d been quietly slumbering inside was suddenly wide-awake and ready for action.

It was a completely new experience; I’d NEVER seen that side of a woman before…

… especially not in a girl as sexy as Kimberly.

I couldn’t help but wonder if there was a way to bring that out in a woman naturally… without the use of drugs.

It was the kind of power that I… or really any man… truly wanted with women.

A direct line to the erotic centers of her brain…

I had absolutely NO idea if it was even possible…

But it really didn’t seem THAT far-fetched…

My training in neuroscience told me that language, touch, eye-contact, even smell…

… were all ways of directly tapping into different areas of the brain.

In a way, they were the first forms of “neurotechnology” humankind ever invented.

So, I Got To Work Searching For Clues…

Eventually, I stumbled on a groundbreaking scientific study.

It gave me my first clue into how I could awaken this part of any woman’s mind…

… without drugs, glowsticks, and trance music.

The study was performed by a group of researchers at Rutgers University…

With the help of cutting-edge brain imaging technology to peer into the brain in real time…

… these researchers accidentally uncovered an incredible secret about the female sexual imagination.

First, they peered into the brains of women while they masturbated with a vibrator.

The pleasure centers of her brain EXPLODED with a fireworks display of activity.

Next, the scientists had the same women simply imagine having their pussies pulsed with the same vibrator…

When they looked at the results on the brain scans… they were blown away!

Just like before, the brain images showed a massive spike in activity…

And a full 10% of the women were able to reach full-flow orgasm…

With ZERO physical contact!

Just Her Imagination Alone Was Enough 

To Create Body-Quivering Pleasure!

Just Her Imagination Alone Was Enough 

To Create Body-Quivering Pleasure!

Just Her Imagination Alone Was Enough To Create Body-Quivering Pleasure!

I immediately felt a rush of excitement swell in my chest and the hair on my arms stand straight in the air.

Here was cold, hard scientific research backing up my hunch…

Helping to flesh out why I’d had such automatic success with Kimberly that night…

After a lifetime of striking out with hot girls.

MDMA must be tapping into the very same brain circuits.

Regions of her mind that stimulate her sexual imagination…

And now, I had proof that this same doorway could be opened up without the use of drugs.

All I needed to do was activate her erotic imagination in some other way.

There was just one small problem…

I Had Absolutely NO Idea How To Do ANY Of This!

How the heck was I supposed to get a girl I just met to picture me stroking her vagina… without getting arrested?

I mean, if I were a smooth-talking guy with movie-star good looks and perfect abs I might be able to pull that off…

In fact, if I were that guy… I wouldn’t NEED to… she’d do it on her own!

But I was me… plain looking… nerdy… socially awkward.

Out of desperation I typed “how to flirt with beautiful women” into a search engine.

I’d vaguely heard of “pickup coaches” on the internet who taught me how to seduce beautiful women…

But until that day, I never knew just how deep the rabbit hole really went.

I spent months reading articles, listening to podcasts, and watching YouTube videos…

I invested a small fortune in courses and seminars…

… to learn the secrets of attracting and flirting and escalating…

I joined a gym, I upgraded my wardrobe, I moved into a nice condo in a trendy part of town…

All so I could build a more compelling lifestyle and meet more women.

After almost a year of practicing…

I could at least flirt with an attractive girl without feeling like I needed to puke…

But that was a long way off from getting a woman so out-of-her-mind horny…

… that she just had to feel me inside of her right then and there.

It was like a 1000-piece jigsaw puzzle scrambled before me…

The box showed me what the finished product was supposed to look like…

But I just couldn’t seem to find all the pieces.

That’s When A Stroke Of Luck

Helped Me Finally Crack The Code…

That’s When A Stroke Of Luck Helped Me Finally Crack The Code…

An article showed up on my feed from one of the blogs I frequently visited for tips.

The title stopped me cold - “Language That Inspires Lust: Using Words To Turn Her On”.

It was written by a guy named Lloyd Lester.

Lloyd was a researcher, thought leader and coach…

He’d dedicated his career to helping ordinary guys have incredible sex lives…

And his article had me hooked from the first word.

He talked about how sexualized communication can alter a woman’s consciousness…

Changing the chemical and electrical activity in her brain in real time.

He even shared how specific patterns of language, touch, and eye contact…

… can charge up the sexual centers of a woman’s mind.

He Seemed To Understand How To Bridge 

The Gap Between Theory And Application…

He Seemed To Understand How To Bridge The Gap Between Theory And Application…

He Seemed To Understand How To Bridge The Gap Between Theory And Application…

His insights and expertise were based on over 31,000 hours of research and application…

He’d pored over 100s of published studies from dozens of scientific fields…

And designing unique, actionable methods around them…

Tactical techniques that had already helped over 28,500 men…

… and delighting women with over 2 million body-quivering female orgasms and counting!

He had pages full of enthusiastic testimonials from ordinary guys all over the world to back it up.

If anyone could help me figure out the “missing link” to controlling a woman’s erotic imagination…

Lloyd seemed to be the guy.

So, I Reached Out To Him For A Personal Consultation…

So, I Reached Out To Him

For A Personal Consultation…

So, I Reached Out To Him For A Personal Consultation…

I had to go on a waiting list and wait 3 weeks plus shell out $500 just for a single personal coaching session.

I thought it was a bit over the top for a guy who didn’t have any advanced degrees or clinical training to charge so much.

But hey, I had a lot of specialized scientific knowledge and despite that…

I couldn’t seem to hit paydirt.

Maybe, a new perspective might be just what I needed…

So, I bit the bullet and booked the consultation.

On the call, I told Lloyd about my drug-fueled one-night stand…

… and how it finally gave me a taste of the sexual success I’d always wanted with women.

I shared how I’d been trying to figure out how to create the same success without “chemical help”...

I told him about the research I’d discovered…

Detailing how a woman’s imagination could create physical pleasure in her body…

Finally, I told him all the frustrations I’d encountered trying to actually apply what I’d discovered.

“I think I’m really close to figuring this all out, but can’t seem to put all the pieces together…” I said.

That’s When He Told Me

Something I Never Expected…

That’s When He Told Me Something I Never Expected…

It turns out, Lloyd had been trying to solve the EXACT same problem!

He’d also been fascinated by the effects of MDMA…

Especially, it’s clinically documented potential to unleash intense sexual desire and pleasure.

Like me, he had a hunch that it was activating some areas of the female mind that weren’t well understood…

And was trying to decode this process for himself.

So he could develop practical methods to help men open this doorway to her desires…

Helping men and the women who loved them enjoy an entirely NEW level of sexual satisfaction.

He shared several studies that he’d been looking into himself…

Most of them, I’d already encountered in my own search.

But one of them stood out…

The Minute I Read This Study… A Lightbulb Went Off In My Head!

The Minute I Read This Study… 

A Lightbulb Went Off In My Head!

The Minute I Read This Study… A Lightbulb Went Off In My Head!

Here’s Why…

The study outlined how MDMA affected different regions of the brain…

One in particular, called the Nucleus Accumbens -- or NAcc for short… was especially important.

Lloyd wasn’t a trained neuroscientist, so he didn’t make the connection…

… but the NAcc is a part of your brain that’s involved in anticipation.

See, when your brain “expects” something to happen…

The NAcc sends signals to other parts of your brain to get ready.

You can think of it like an extreme weather warning before a major storm hits…

It alerts people in the storm’s path that they might want to brace for impact.

The difference is, your NAcc does this for both positive and negative emotions.

It turns out, MDMA strengthens signals between the NAcc and your brain’s pleasure centers…

  • So every little pleasant sensation; a light brush against your skin…
  • A lingering gaze into someone’s eyes…
  • The sensation of someone’s body against your own…

All of these feelings get amplified and become much more powerful.

This anticipation is the KEY to getting a woman’s erotic imagination to light up like a Christmas Tree…

It was the missing link to letting any man overwhelm a woman with intense, urgent lust…

Without needing drugs or alcohol…

Without cheesy pickup lines…

And without “voodoo” hypnosis techniques or anything that makes you sound creepy.

When I shared all this with Lloyd, he was impressed…

So, He Suggested We Work Together To Untangle The Riddle…

So, He Suggested We Work 

Together To Untangle The Riddle…

So, He Suggested We Work Together To Untangle The Riddle…

Our goals were ambitious, but clear…

We set out to create a simple system to naturally activate the erotic imagination of ANY woman…

To unleash her animalistic impulses, creating an urgent sexual hunger that demanded satisfaction…

  • Using nothing but powerful language patterns…
  • Titillating touch techniques…
  • And mesmerizing eye contact methods.

It took a few weeks of us working together, but slowly everything started to take form…

I helped Lloyd understand all the nuances of the most cutting-edge neuroscientific research…

So he could develop simple, actionable methods around it.

Eventually, he developed powerful language techniques to tap into a woman’s pleasure centers…

And set her sexual imagination on FIRE with anticipation.

Lloyd called them “verbal foreplay” because that’s how they worked.

They would get a woman’s body ready for action using nothing but the power of words.

I turned myself into a “guinea pig” testing these techniques out everywhere I could…

With women I met online, in coffee shops, in bars or nightclubs, or just walking around.

  • I was able to almost immediately create tension, anticipation, and attraction.
  • I got more dates with attractive women in just one month than I’d gotten in my whole life up to that point.

But I kept running into snags that halted my forward progress…

These Verbal Foreplay Techniques 

Were Powerful… But Still Limited…

These Verbal Foreplay Techniques Were Powerful… 

But Still Limited…

These Verbal Foreplay Techniques Were Powerful… But Still Limited…

It’s one thing to spark a girl’s curiosity and get a little interest…

It’s another to amplify it to the point where you completely take over her every erotic impulse.

So, Lloyd and I began to refine them, adding new layers of communication.

Suggestive touch, seductive eye contact, arousing vocal tonality…

I took these methods into the field and kept track of EVERYTHING that happened.

I even talked a friend of mine into secretly recording me and my dates to spot patterns.

Over the coming weeks, Lloyd and I ironed out the wrinkles…

Gradually, Lloyd was able to pinpoint powerful new ways to stimulate a woman…

While my “in the field feedback” helped tweak everything into a seamless system…

We started calling them “desire on demand” because that’s what they were all about.

A way to “beam” intense attraction and anticipation right into her brain.

I Still Remember The First Night

Everything Came Together For Me…

I Still Remember The First Night Everything Came Together For Me…

It all started when I met a stunning blonde southern belle named Savannah on a dating app.

She was gorgeous, charming, and bubbly…

I dropped some of the “verbal foreplay” tactics on her and convinced her to meet me for a drink.

She showed up in a sleek mini skirt and tight top that cutoff just below her rib cage.

All I can say is it’s a good thing I was already sitting down.

As the wine flowed, and the conversation progressed I tried out the next series of tactics Lloyd developed…

A set of techniques designed to create white-hot desire on demand.

When I leaned over and whispered “I have a secret to tell you”...

I saw a ribbon of red flush her cheeks and neck… and her big black pupils crowd out the green of her eyes.

It all started when I met a stunning blonde southern belle named Savannah on a dating app.

She was gorgeous, charming, and bubbly…

I dropped some of the “verbal foreplay” tactics on her and convinced her to meet me for a drink.

She showed up in a sleek mini skirt and tight top that cutoff just below her rib cage.

All I can say is it’s a good thing I was already sitting down.

As the wine flowed, and the conversation progressed I tried out the next series of tactics Lloyd developed…

A set of techniques designed to create white-hot desire on demand.

When I leaned over and whispered “I have a secret to tell you”...

I saw a ribbon of red flush her cheeks and neck… and her big black pupils crowd out the green of her eyes.

It all started when I met a stunning blonde southern belle named Savannah on a dating app.

She was gorgeous, charming, and bubbly…

I dropped some of the “verbal foreplay” tactics on her and convinced her to meet me for a drink.

She showed up in a sleek mini skirt and tight top that cutoff just below her rib cage.

All I can say is it’s a good thing I was already sitting down.

As the wine flowed, and the conversation progressed I tried out the next series of tactics Lloyd developed…

A set of techniques designed to create white-hot desire on demand.

When I leaned over and whispered “I have a secret to tell you”...

I saw a ribbon of red flush her cheeks and neck… and her big black pupils crowd out the green of her eyes.

“Oh my god… what?” she asked… her breasts spilling over the table as she leaned in…

“I can’t tell you yet”... I replied… stroking the tips of her feminine fingers…

… and beaming my desire for her into her eyes.

She leaned in “you’re such a tease… you have to tell me.”

“How Bad Do You Want It?” I Growled…

I kept up like this, moving one step forward, two steps back…

Using suggestive language, touch, and tonality to dose her brain with anticipation…

I saw a gleam of delight glitter in her eyes…

She licked her lips, stroked her golden hair, and squirmed in her seat.

It was like opening an erotic portal in her brain…

Her resistance melted away…

Her fantasies came to life…

Every cell in her body fluttered with anticipation…

A few hours later we were back in my condo, and I was sliding down her silk panties…

As I started kissing and licking her bare skin, she cooed with pleasure…

Bucking her thighs back and forth as her body begged for more.

She was so eager to be touched… that each light stroke sent her into a frenzy.

The second my fingers fiddled the hood of her clit… she EXPLODED!

A Writhing, Spasming, Jaw Dropping 

Orgasm Took Control Of Her…

A Writhing, Spasming, Jaw Dropping 

Orgasm Took Control Of Her…

A Writhing, Spasming, Jaw Dropping Orgasm Took Control Of Her…

I couldn’t even touch her for several minutes afterwards…

She just buried her face into the bed sheets…

As a series of post-coital pulses jolt her like an electric current.

The minute she recovered we picked right back up…

Her whole body was so sensitive that she just kept coming and coming and coming…

It was like every inch of her skin had suddenly morphed into a throbbing clitoris.

And to return the favor she treated me to sexual thrills that made every one of my teenage wet dreams come true...

By the time we finally collapsed I’d come so many times I felt like I was shooting blanks.

And the next morning when she opened her eyes …

I saw something in her gaze I’d never seen in another woman.

It wasn’t just attraction… it wasn’t just admiration… it was closer to worship.

“Eureka… We’ve Done It!” I Told Lloyd Later The Next Day…

“Eureka… We’ve Done It!” 

I Told Lloyd Later The Next Day…

“Eureka… We’ve Done It!” I Told Lloyd Later The Next Day…

We both knew the results were promising… but we needed to make sure they weren’t just a fluke.

Lloyd reached out to his tribe… he recruited 50 guys who varied in age from 30 to 55.

  • Half the group were single guys who wanted to meet, seduce, and bed more and hotter women…
  • The other half were in a relationship and wanted to enjoy more and hotter sex with their wives or girlfriends.

Lloyd carefully laid out a simple, easy-to-follow course…

Teaching them the secrets to open this powerful erotic portal in any woman’s mind…

To tap directly into every woman’s most powerful sexual organ… her imagination.

The results started to trickle in… slowly at first…

A few guys shared how the Verbal Foreplay methods immediately improved their communication.

  • One single guy got a sexy girl to buy HIM a drink at the bar one night.
  • One of the married guys reported that his wife started to wear high heels and sexier clothes.

Then Once The Guys Started Layering Everything

With Touch, Eye Contact, And Tonality…

Then Once The Guys Started Layering Everything With Touch, Eye Contact, And Tonality…

The Floodgates Burst WIDE OPEN!

A 33 year-old single divorced guy named Mark seduced a hot 26-year-old named Cindi who works in his office.

“It was almost TOO easy, I started with the suggestive language stuff… upped the ante with some eye-contact, touch, and heavier flirting.

Now, I’m serving her an espresso in my apartment after a night of hot sex.

This stuff is GOLD!”

Forrest, a 44 year old married architect…

… has enjoyed 3 months of the most fulfilling sex of his whole marriage:

“My wife is F*CKING my brains out every night because of this stuff…

She lost over 20 pounds on her own because she wants to look good for me.

She even bought a bunch of sexy lingerie to make things extra spicy. Every guy needs to learn this stuff.”

Abdul, a 51-year-old real estate developer said this:

“I was using Sugar Dating apps to meet women and not having much luck. After learning how to open up a woman’s Erotic Portal… I’ve done a total 180.

I’m now writing this as a gorgeous 31-year-old accountant sits on my bed wearing nothing but one of my work shirts 😉

The best part is, I’m not paying her a dime! In fact, she offered to help me with my taxes… free of charge. This stuff just flat out works.”

At This Point, It Was Obvious Lloyd’s 

System Was Something Very Special…

At This Point, It Was Obvious Lloyd’s

System Was Something Very Special…

At This Point, It Was Obvious Lloyd’s System Was Something Very Special…

I would have loved to take credit for it, but he did ALL the heavy lifting.

I gave him some help on the theory side, but without his practical expertise…

I and all the guys who’ve discovered the power of this system would still be clueless, desperate, and lonely.

Today, you finally have a chance to unleash this powerful discovery in your own sex life…

Because, for the first time in human history…

The secrets to the female erotic imagination have been laid bare…

And are now available to the general public.


How To Own A Woman's Erotic Imagination In 2 Simple Steps

It’s a 100% digitally delivered training system designed to do one thing…

Help you sexually brainwash ANY woman in the world!

Naturally, ethically, and in a way that she’ll even THANK YOU for.

You might not know it, but women are DYING to feel this kind of connection and chemistry…

She just needs the right man who can trigger these naughty fantasies…

And deliver the sheet-soaking sexual thrills she secretly craves.

Up until now, you were clueless about how to do this…

How you could possibly bridge her inner erotic needs…

Tickle her curiosity... and get her thinking about you in a sexual way.

You had no idea how to make her squirm with intense and urgent desire…

Until she’s BEGGING you to give her the deep dicking she so desperately hungers for.

But now, you can finally be the man to tap into her hidden fantasies, probe her naughtiest needs…

… and unleash the inner animal inside of her that’s eager to come out and play.

Once you’ve got this down…

Getting all the hot, sweaty sex you can handle is like shooting fish in a barrel.

It could all be yours, in just 2 very easy steps…

Your journey will begin with module 1 of The Pleasure Portal™ system…

Verbal Foreplay

Verbal Foreplay is a series of 7 sexualized speech patterns that light her up with lust.

They’re so stealthy, there’s no chance they’ll trigger her resistance…

Yet, they’re so powerful they’ll bathe her brain in a cocktail of powerful pleasure chemicals.

Here’s a sample of what you’ll discover inside:

Verbal Foreplay

How to trigger her “arousal archetype” - only men who speak like THIS can stimulate her inner sexual longing (Page 5)…

How to navigate her “desire minefield” - 96% of men are killing her attraction with ONE common mistake. Are you one of them? (Page 7)…

The “inside out” rapport secret that practically forces her to soak through her panties. Hint: stop trying to “be sexy” and start doing this instead. (Page 8)…

The one “flirting faux pas” that turns hot and heavy dirty talk into awkward silence -- avoid this like herpes ‘cuz it’s way worse for your sex life. (Page 10)…

Think women value communication? Think again - research shows a 5-fold increase in her brain’s #1 pleasure molecule by switching to this instead. (Page 17)…

Send her this “Sexual Wonderland Sequence” through text or email and take her mind on an erotic journey she secretly dreams of (Page 28)…

The Pleasure Persona - use this “roleplay on steroids” routine to get her to see you as the hot older boy she has a crush on (Page 19)…

Now that you’ve tapped into pleasure pathways in her brain…

And you can rouse her inner sexual animal to life…

It’s time for the next step in opening her Pleasure Portal™ where you’ll discover how to create…

Desire On Demand

If Verbal Foreplay is the match… Desire On Demand is the dynamite.

One little spark is all it will take to ignite apocalyptic levels of arousal.

Soon, she’ll meet you in the bedroom wearing nothing but a thong…

Dripping wet and ready for you to ravish her until she EXPLODES!

It all starts with…

Desire On Demand

The Sexual Two Step - a brain-dead easy way to guarantee you get faster, more frequent and hotter sex starting TONIGHT (Page 4)…

Make her follow your Love Trail all the way to the bedroom, but don’t skip the first essential step (Page 8)…

How to develop a sexy scent that makes you irresistible to her before you even open your mouth. Forget colognes, soaps, or “pheromone sprays” and do this instead (Page 9)…

The Psychic Pleasure Principle that blasts her private lady bits with a jolt of pleasure without laying a single finger on her. Yes really, and no this isn’t some “new age” nonsense. It’s real science! (Page 16)…

This 10-minute daily habit floods your body with 3 potent compounds that make her thighs part like the Red Sea. And no, none of them is testosterone. (Page 13)…

Use this “Because It’s Tuesday” routine to make her pussy ache to feel you inside of her. It’s fast and powerful (Page 14)…

Danger And Play - How to combine risk and safety to make her stain her panties with anticipation (Page 41)…

How to use subtle hints to reshape her sexual impulses and ratchet up her libido 100%, 200%, even 300% or more (Page 32)…

Why women love erotica, and how to use its linguistic powers to dose her brain with pleasure hormones even if you failed English (Page 34)…

Why Fresh Baked Cookies, Baby Powder and Cucumbers can make your bedroom the wettest place on earth. Nope, you won’t have to raid the refrigerator… just follow these 3 simple steps (Page 19)…

And so much more…

If I were to list off every tip, every trick, every proven way to own a woman’s sexual imagination…

To be the star of every sexual fantasy she’s had since she was a boy-crazy teenager...

… we’d be here all day.

But there’s another reason why Lloyd insisted that these secrets be unveiled to the world…

Our Society Is Smack Dab In The

Middle Of A Masculinity Crisis…

Our Society Is Smack Dab In The Middle Of A Masculinity Crisis…

Boys are now encouraged to question their gender…

They’re exposed to a “woke culture” that wants to drive out all their natural masculine traits.

So they escape into video games and cheap entertainment…

… instead of discovering how to meet their natural, manly needs.

Instead of embracing the positive, protective, and productive contribution of healthy masculinity…

… men are told their desires are toxic, oppressive, and unnatural.

At the same time, feminism has told a generation of young women…

That men are their enemies and competition instead of their mates.

They’re encouraged to pursue careers and thrills over marriage and family.

They’re told to stop playing with dolls and to make-believe they’re CEOs instead…

  • Is it any wonder why so many women don’t respect men?
  • Is it a shock that they don’t want to be mothers and homemakers?
  • Is it surprising that so many women are bitchy and plain unfeminine?

Today, this system lets you earn back some of your manly power…

Through the one domain where women still desire dominance and masculinity -- the bedroom.

It won’t fix all the problems in our culture… but it’s a step in the right direction.

Men who have more sex are happier, less violent, and more cooperative.

While undersexed men are more prone to antisocial behavior, crime, and substance abuse.

Which is why helping you enjoy an active, healthy sex life goes way beyond just the bedroom…

It goes right to your purpose as a man and to your place in our society.

And Lloyd’s training is one small step you can take to become the man you were meant to be…

But don’t just take my word for it…

Already, Over 28,500 Men Have

Discovered The Power Of Lloyd’s Expertise...

Already, Over 28,500 Men Have Discovered The Power Of Lloyd’s Expertise...

Here’s what a few of them had to say:

And this is just a small sample of the men who’ve been transformed by Lloyd’s powerful training…

Just like me, their lives have been improved in a lot more ways than just the bedroom.

You’ll be shocked how much more confident you’ll become…

How the “cocky swagger” of your teenage years starts showing up in your steps…

How women and other men react to you, respect you, and value you…

A man who has sexual power is a powerful man…

It spills into almost every area of your life.

I know what it means because I’ve lived it…

I’ve been a sexless loser who couldn’t get nailed in shop class…

I have woken up to an empty bed and felt that grip of loneliness…

I know how almost every other accomplishment can seem hollow…

… when you’re not satisfied in the one way all men crave.

I Don’t Want You To Live 

Another Moment Of That Misery…

I Don’t Want You To Live

Another Moment Of That Misery…

I Don’t Want You To Live Another Moment Of That Misery…

Because we both know most guys are living in quiet desperation when it comes to their sex lives…

  • They settle for women they’re not really attracted to…

    Instead of the sexy, fun, and feminine women they truly want…
  • They submit themselves to emasculating wives who turn them into her personal “errand boy”...

    Wasting their precious weekend hours doing chores or crossing off tasks on the “honey do” list…
  • They bend over backwards to buy women’s approval or try to impress her with an adventurous lifestyle…
  • They arrange every waking moment around trying to make women happy and for their efforts…

    They just end up more miserable, more lonely, more clueless and frustrated than ever before.

Because they don’t understand how to hack into a woman’s mind and imagination…

How to implant thrilling sexual suggestions into the most powerful sex organ in her body…

How to make her ooze with urgent desire that she’ll simply NEED you to fulfill.

Let’s make a pact, you and I… to end that frustration right here, right now… TODAY!

With That In Mind… What Is A Life Of

Limitless Sexual Power Truly Worth To You?

With That In Mind… What Is A Life Of Limitless Sexual Power Truly Worth To You?

Let’s talk about all the dead-end dates you go on…

Has any woman… your wife… your girlfriend… some girl you met on Tinder…

… ever given you the fuck of your life because you bought her a steak dinner?

Yet, men continue to shell out $100, $200, even $300 or more for a single night on the town…

Do that twice a month and you’re looking at around $500 smackers.

How about taking the wife or girlfriend on vacation…

Sure, she might give you a little nookie as a “reward” for charging a couple grand on your credit card…

But once you get back home, you’re back to square one.

And despite the gobs of money you’re already blowing…

I’ll bet it hasn’t given you even one single second of true, mind-blowing pleasure…

How’s that for an ROI?

So, when you look at it that way, you’re already shelling out $100s EVERY month on just the hope of a better sex life.

Asking $500 For This System Would Be A Total Steal!

Asking $500 For This 

System Would Be A Total Steal!

Asking $500 For This System Would Be A Total Steal!

If you know how to tap into a woman’s pleasure pathways…

Unleash her deepest fantasies…

Own her erotic mind and transform every inch of her body into a pulsing clitoris…

… just BEGGING for your personal brand of manly attention!

She’ll be the one working hard FOR YOU!

Cooking you breakfast in bed, greeting you in a set of see through lingerie…

… pinging your phone at all hours of the night for a booty call…

Doing everything in her power just for a taste of your masculine mojo.

When you think about it that way, $500 is a pittance.

But the great news is, Lloyd’s agreed to make this system available on a limited basis for a substantial discount.

Just agree that you’ll actually take action and apply The Pleasure Portal™ system to your sex life…

And to zip off a testimonial about the wet, wild, uninhibited bedroom fun you’re having because of it…

And you won’t pay $500…

You won’t even pay $200, $100, or even 50 measly bucks…

Instead you’ll make a single investment of just…



Just Pay A One-Time Amount Of $97 $47

But You Have To Take Action Right Now!

But You Have To Take Action

Right Now!

But You Have To Take Action Right Now!

This price is a very special introductory offer…

See Lloyd’s on a mission to transform the sex lives of 250,000 men across the globe.

So far, he’s only been able to reach just a little more than 28,500 men.

He needs more testimonials from guys like you so he can build a small army of sexually empowered men…

So he can spread this message far and wide to make our world just a little bit better.

But, when you add up all the costs to produce this “bedroom breakthrough”...

The hours of research, trial and error, and all the costs to make it available to the world…

He’s operating at a loss to make it available for such a low price.

Which means that right now, right here is the only time he can guarantee you’ll see this price.

Just to support this project he’ll have to charge at least $97 or more in the future…

So if you pass this offer up today and come back later hoping to snatch it up for the same incredible bargain…

Don’t be surprised if you get sticker shock from the higher price.

Just Pay A One-Time Amount Of $97 $47

And to take away any excuse you might have to pass up this incredible opportunity.

Lloyd’s putting his money where his mouth is and backing up his system…

By Offering You A Titanium-Grade 

Guarantee To Remove All Your Risk…

By Offering You A Titanium-Grade

Guarantee To Remove All Your Risk…

By Offering You A Titanium-Grade Guarantee To Remove All Your Risk…

Here’s how that’s going to work.

Just hit the big red button that says “Get Access Now”...

Use the material… Lloyd’s made it so simple it’s almost done-for-you.

And only after you’ve convinced yourself that the training is worth at least 5X what you paid for it…

Make the decision to keep the program.

You have a full 60 days… that’s 8 weeks to decide if The Pleasure Portal™ is right for you.

If you’re not convinced, simply send an email to Lloyd’s friendly customer support team and you’ll get a prompt and cheerful refund of every penny you paid for it.

No questions asked!

What could be easier?

All you have to do is click on the “Get Access Now” button below to get started…

Just Pay A One-Time Amount Of $97 $47

And just to give you a little extra incentive to feel like this is the right decision for you here today…

Lloyd’s Throwing In A Couple Of Extra Goodies For You…

Lloyd’s Throwing In A Couple 

Of Extra Goodies For You…

Lloyd’s Throwing In A Couple Of Extra Goodies For You…

Just For Sayin “YES!” To Unlimited Sexual Power Today…

Just For Saying “YES!” To Unlimited Sexual Power Today…

Just For Saying “YES!” To 

Unlimited Sexual Power Today…

First, you’ll be getting a powerful companion training I call…

The Verbal Vibrator 

($47 value) 

Imagine making a woman addicted to your voice…

Imagine every syllable you speak makes her tingle with anticipation…

Imagine you could drive pleasure into her body by simply using the right emotionally influential language?

Even if you don’t have a rich, natural baritone or even a pleasant sounding tone.

In this powerful bonus, Lloyd’s going to unveil his fool-proof formula…

… to make her vagina vibrate with pleasure using nothing but the power of your words.

Here’s a taste of what you’ll discover:

The Verbal Vibrator 

($47 value) 

Simple language patterns that sneak into the desire centers of her mind and leave her breathless with every word you utter (Page 6)…

How to activate naturally seductive vocal tones that can bring her to the brink of orgasm. Use these in the bedroom… at the bar… or on a date and she’ll be putty in your hands (Page 7)…

The Pleasure Triggers - Simple, spoken “keywords” that snap her mind into a rabidly horny state on command (Discover them starting on Page 9)…

Your second bonus is a little something I call…

The Dawn Of Desire

($47 value) 

In this special report you’ll discover how to sneak into her mind and plant seeds of desire that blossom into full-blown fantasies.

Unleashing urgent arousal that she’ll “know” only you can fulfill.

The Dawn Of Desire

($47 value) 

Rolling Boil Reverie - Bring her naughtiest fantasies alive and make her project them onto you by slowly ratcheting up the heat on your conversation (page 5)…

The Big Chill - Get her to feel so supernaturally comfortable around you that all her inhibitions simply melt away (page 6)…

The Naughty Ventriloquist - Drop the dirtiest, most taboo topics into conversation by making it something “someone else said”. This is a powerful way to get her thinking naughty thoughts without coming off like a creep (page 8)…

Silly Sexy - Get her in the mood with this light and playful strategy she can’t resist (page 14)…

The Dirty Unicorn - Project the traits of the impossibly rare man who oozes sexuality without neediness (page 17)…

Your third bonus is called…

Uncover Her Pleasure Paradigm

($47 value) 

Discover the hidden themes that drive her deepest desires…

So you can bring out a naughty side of her sexuality that she’s never shared with any other man.

You’ll discover secrets like…

Uncover Her Pleasure Paradigm

($47 value) 

A quick method to untangle her hangups and make her naturally receptive to more pleasure in the bedroom (Page 6)…

A foreplay formula that opens up new neural pathways in her brain… so she brings her “inner slut” out to play in the bedroom (Page 15)…

3 different eye positions that naturally activate the emotional centers of her mind. Now you can switch on new states of consciousness with nothing but suggestive eye contact…

How to untie the “internal knots” that keep her from treating you to the naughty sex acts you only see in porn flicks (page 14)

Bite Sized Pleasure - How to introduce her to the new and naughty adventures you want to share “one bite at a time” (page 18)…

So Let’s Add It Up… Just So You Can See What Kind Of Deal You’re Getting…

So Let’s Add It Up… Just So You Can 

See What Kind Of Deal You’re Getting…

$197 value

The Pleasure Portal™ - To own her erotic imagination in 2 simple steps

$47 value

Bonus 1: The Verbal Vibrator - To buzz her lady bits with nothing but the power of your voice

$47 value

Bonus 2: The Dawn Of Desire - To up the ante on her pleasure and get her begging for more

$47 value

Bonus 3: Uncover Her Pleasure Paradigm To demystify her desires and melt her resistance

$47 value

Bonus 4: The Pleasure Portal™ Audio Companion Suite - So you can take every juicy, life-changing detail with you on the go

If you add it up it’s over $400 in value…

But since you’re taking action right now… with your special discount you’re getting everything for just $47.

Now, if you were to go to the Apple store, load up on over $400 worth of stuff and walk out paying less than 50 bucks…

You’d probably feel like you were robbing them blind!

And all you have to do to take advantage of this deal today is simply click the “Get Access Now” button below…

Fill in the payment details with a credit card or debit card on the next page…

Just Pay A One-Time Amount Of $97 $47

So Let’s Add It Up… Just So You Can See What Kind Of Deal You’re Getting…

So Let’s Add It Up… Just So You Can 

See What Kind Of Deal You’re Getting…

The Pleasure Portal™ - To own her erotic imagination in 2 simple steps ($197 value)

Bonus 1: The Verbal Vibrator - To buzz her lady bits with nothing but the power of your voice ($47 value)

Bonus 2: The Dawn Of Desire - To up the ante on her pleasure and get her begging for more ($47 value)

Bonus 3: Uncover Her Pleasure Paradigm To demystify her desires and melt her resistance ($47 value)

Bonus 4: The Pleasure Portal™ Audio Companion Suite - So you can take every juicy, life-changing detail with you on the go ($47 value)

If you add it up it’s over $400 in value…

But since you’re taking action right now… with your special discount you’re getting everything for just $47.

Now, if you were to go to the Apple store, load up on over $400 worth of stuff and walk out paying less than 50 bucks…

You’d probably feel like you were robbing them blind!

And all you have to do to take advantage of this deal today is simply click the “Get Access Now” button below…

Fill in the payment details with a credit card or debit card on the next page…

Just Pay A One-Time Amount Of $97 $47

But You Have To Act Right Now!

But You Have To

Act Right Now!

Don’t hesitate… you know the deal won’t last.

You know that thousands of men have paid much more and been THRILLED with their results.

And you know that your investment today is 100% covered by a titanium-grade 60-day money-back guarantee…

So, when you consider everything you have to gain…

… and the fact that you literally have nothing but sexual frustration to lose…

… there really is just no reason not to say “YES!”, is there?

So go ahead… hit the “Get Access Now” button below…

Use the proven techniques…

And FEEL what it’s like to have any woman sexually worship you…

Just Pay A One-Time Amount Of $97 $47

You’ll Be Blown Away By How Incredible Your Sex Life Becomes…

You’ll Be Blown Away By How Incredible

Your Sex Life Becomes…

How she looks at you differently…

How she demands sex from you FAR more frequently (whether you initiate or not)...

How her mind and imagination bloom with naughty adventures she wants to share with you…

Okay it’s time to pull the trigger!

You’re Standing At A Crossroads…

And starting today, there’s only 2 ways you can go…

Road #1

Is familiar and comfortable but riddled with frustration and pain…

It’s the path you’re on right now…

Where you continue to be at the mercy of a sexual marketplace that seems rigged against you…

Where you have to beg, borrow, and steal just to get “birthday sex” from your wife or girlfriend…

Where you just accept that the same boring sex you’ve been having for years is as good as it gets…

But whether you choose to take action today or not, you and I both know that nothing is going to change on its own.

Life just doesn’t work that way.

You must make a choice… and silence speaks the loudest.

It’s the choice that says “no, I’m not worth the best sex of my life”.

It’s the little voice in your mind that says “no way this will ever work for me.”

It’s that nagging fear that you’ll try and fail like you have before.

Look, you don’t have to explain those feelings to me.

That nagging voice is like my native language.

But I’m here to tell you, that voice is WRONG!

It’s not even your voice… it’s the voice of every bully who ever taunted you.

The voice of people who didn’t believe in you…

The voice of people who wanted to keep you small.

It’s time to silence that voice, right here, right now and make the decision to venture down…

Road #2

Say “YES!” to yourself today…

Be the source of your own empowerment…

And take a leap of faith that you’re worthy of being the rare man that can tap into any woman’s erotic imagination…

A man who gives women shuddering sensations just by being in her presence…

A man who naturally activates her desires and taps into her hidden fantasies…

A man who can make her feel the one feeling she absolutely cannot resist… anticipation!

It’s all just one, short click away…

Just Pay A One-Time Amount Of $97 $47

With the Iron Clad 60 Day Guarantee there’s truly NO RISK…

With the Iron Clad 60 Day Guarantee

there’s truly NO RISK…

With the Iron Clad 60 Day Guarantee there’s truly NO RISK…

So Go For It!

Remember… you don’t even have to say “yes” right NOW…

All you have to say is “maybe.”

You’ll have 60 full days to prove to yourself that The Pleasure Portal™ can deliver the goods.

Take a deep breath, find your balls, and know that you deserve this…

Once again, I’m Jacob Baker on behalf of my friend and mentor Lloyd Lester…

And we both look forward to hearing about your success very soon.

WARNING: This site contains sexually oriented adult material intended for individuals 18 years of age or older. If you are under 18 years old you are not permitted to use this site for any reason. You must be of legal age required by the state or province you are in to purchase our products. It is your responsibility to know whether you are legally able to purchase our products.

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